Vinegar of ... beauty: this is how to use it on face, hair and body

How to use vinegar to be more beautiful of course.

There are two myths to dispel. The first is that vinegar is used only in the kitchen, the second that as effectively the wine vinegar is unparalleled. Vinegar, be it white or apple or rice wine, is not only used to flavor dishes in the kitchen or for preserves, but it is a truly effective solution for many beauty treatments. Some examples? You can use it to make the hair softer and brighter or as a nourishing for the skin (also that of the face) or even to counteract the imperfections of cellulite. If you still have doubts, below you will find many practical advice on how to use it to take care of your health and beauty with a simple natural (and very cheap) product that can not be missing from your daily beauty routine from today.

Brighter hair

To make the hair softer and brighter, it takes very little. A liter of warm water with two tablespoons of apple or rice vinegar. Make a compress on the hair still wet after the shampoo, leave to act for a few minutes, rinse as you usually do and you're done. It is a truly unparalleled treatment, especially for those with oily hair. You will have soft, bright and light hair, which will remain clean for much longer.

Tonic and healthy face skin

Vinegar is an excellent ally for the skin. Its effect is so broad spectrum that it will solve more than an imperfection. If you need a tonic, just add two tablespoons of rice vinegar in 100 ml of chamomile to dab a gently face with a cotton ball. If, on the other hand, your skin needs a nourishing, after thoroughly hated the skin, soak cotton in a mixture of 100 ml of water, a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Apply it on the skin uniformly with small circular massages. You will see your skin reborn.

Anti -cellulite

By practicing a simple massage in the areas most affected by cellulite with a simple towel soaked in water and vinegar, truly incredible results can be obtained. Vinegar favors the microcirculation of the blood, breaking the accumulations of cellulite and visibly improving the appearance of the skin. As an alternative to the towel you can pour a few drops of vinegar directly on the skin before an energetic massage. You will see the orange peel skin visibly decrease.

Reduces the swelling of hands and feet

Yes, it sounds a little strange but vinegar is an excellent ally against swelling of hands and feet. Use it as if it were a massage oil. The advice is to apply a few drops of rice or apple cider vinegar (which have a more delicate smell than wine vinegar) directly on the area affected by swelling and massage it until complete absorption.

Reduces skin stains

For this imperfection, apple cider vinegar is particularly indicated. In a small container dilute a little vinegar with water and, with the help of a cotton ball, dab all the areas affected by the skin spots. Leave to act for at least 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. You can use it both on the face and on the rest of the body but, as for every product that is natural or not, always test the reaction on a small area of ​​your skin before proceeding with the complete treatment.

Against acne

Vinegar is an effective sebummering that will help you rebalance the pH of your skin and eliminate all traces of acne on the face. Dilute half a glass of apple cider vinegar or rice with water and, after having detected it, gently buffer the areas affected by the acne. Leave to act for about ten minutes before rinsing your face with warm water. Tip: To hydrate the skin after treatment, use an aloe vera leaf.

Anti -fungino vinegar

Who among us did not find themselves at least once to deal with the mushrooms of the skin and nails? It is a problem that mainly affects the feet, which are often not drying properly after the shower or that remain for a long time in the shoes where a warm-humid environment can be created, perfect for the proliferation of mushrooms. The remedy is simple, effective, natural and inexpensive. A foot bath a week in warm water and vinegar, together with vinegar compresses not diluted to be applied to the area most affected by mushrooms. In a very short time, you will see that the mushrooms will be just an annoying memory.

Remedy against cholesterol

According to some studies, a constant and moderate consumption of vinegar during meals helps to reduce harmful cholesterol levels. It seems that among all, the most effective type of vinegar is above all apple vinegar.

Get back in shape

Did you know that vinegar is also an excellent line of the line? Many experts agree that vinegar is able to act directly on the weight, if used correctly. In addition to burning calories, it is able to accelerate metabolism and improve digestion. Just drink a large glass of water daily with 2 teaspoons of vinegar just wake up and before meals. The effects will be visible in no time.

Categories: Beauty
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