The 5 worst things you do on your toilet, according to the plumbers

Buy these habits and you will save serious money.

If there is one reason why we like to keep our toilet in the shape of a point, it is because they are really expensive to repair. Why spend hundreds of dollarson a plumber- And probably even more on repairs - when you can just take care of your toilet? However, we know that it is not always as simple and that everyone is not an expert in toilet maintenance. This is why we interviewed plumbers to learn the worst things that the average person does to his toilet who could cost them serious money on the road. Read the rest to learn the biggest errors you are likely.

Read this then:You should never clean your toilet with this, warn the experts.

You rinse wipes, towels or towels.

High angle view of wet wipe on a white background. Image developed from Raw...
Ciydemimages / Istock

Yes, this applies even to those "rinsed". AccordingDoyle James, president ofMr. Rooter Plumbing, these items are thicker than toilet paper and should not be rinsed in the toilet. "During the shortage of toilet paper, it was not uncommon for the plumbers to find non -fluffable objects such as towels or towels blocking draining pipes," explains James. "Blocked drain pipes make other lights postpone water in the house through the drains. A plumbing professional will have to inspect the drain behavior to find where the stop occurs."

From an environmental point of view, the rinsing of these articles leads to the growing problem of Fatberg. These "coarse globules," accordingNowsweek, "are the accumulation of oil and fat that has been poured into the drain, confide in non -biological waste rinsed like buffers, condoms and - the largest fatberg component of all - wipes." They end up costing the cities and cities of the millions of dollars to withdraw.

You rinse fat or leftover food.

Dirty oily pan with cold solid grease saturated fat from bacon after frying
Ablokhin / Istock

Speaking of rinse of fat, it is another non-no, just like rinsing the remains of food. "Many people have put thick soups, oils and sauces in the toilet, but it can collect and cause problems," saidBrendon White, director atDistrict drainage solutions. "Some things (like coffee grounds and fats) turn into dough and can cause problems in your pipes, so you should be very careful with these things."

If you do not know how to eliminate fat, a common solution is to let it cool and pour it into an old container that can then be thrown into the trash. An article on M. Rooter Plumbing suggests using a milk card "which willslowly decompose. ""

Read this then:1 in 3 people only wash them once a year, says survey.

You rinse dental wire or hair.

Closeup of woman's hand holding dental floss
Alliance / Shutterstock images

Just as hair can obstruct your sink and shower, it can also be stuck in your toilet. "The dental wire is durable and can easily catch gross into your drains," saysJake Romano, manager ofJohn the plumber. "Worse, it can act like a net to catch additional things!"

The hair works in the same way - and even if it is less durable, there are often more. "This apparently harmless substance can cause a major blockage," explains Berry. "When water is unable to circulate freely through the pipes, this can lead to everything, small leaks to complete system failures." Keep an eye on your toilet and shower drainages and regularly erase the debris.

You use Drano too much.

Ruslandashinsky / Istock

If your toilets become obstructed, you will want to be careful of the way you repair it. "Another error that people make is to use too much Drano," saidMichael Berry, founder ofFolsom Plumbing Company. "Drano is a powerful chemical that can eat through pipes and cause leaks, therefore, be careful how much you use and always follow the instructions on the bottle."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

For soft hooves, roto-rooter suggests usingbaking soda and vinegar. "Although [they are] chemicals, it is not the caustic type and potentially dangerously used to clean drains."

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You ignore apparently small problems.

hand flushing toilet closeup
Winnond / Shutterstock

Ignoring the condition of your toilet will also cause problems. "For example, many customers will hear their toilets for weeks but will completely ignore it, which can lead to bigger problems on the road because it gets worse," said White. "To start, a toilet in progress is generally an easy solution such as the need for a new valve or readjust the chain inside the toilet. But, if it is left in the long term, it can become much more severe."

According to the roto-robot, other problems often neglected includeA black ring Around the base of the toilet, unusualodors during rinsing, andconstant hooves.

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