The most vain zodiac sign, according to astrologers

They never met a mirror they don't like.

Some people are so vain that they probably think that this story is about them. And, in this case, they would be right. After consulting astrologers, it seems that the reason for which some people are so much more arrogant thantheir relaxed counterparts might have to do with their birth. Do you have a family member who cannot resist looking in each mirror in which they cross? Do you know a colleague who makes each conversation on themselves? Do you find friends with someone who thinks everyone in a room checks them? Read the rest to find out if they come across this list of the six most vain zodiac signs, slightly absorbed to exceptionally selfish.

Read this then:The least tactful zodiac sign, according to astrologers.


a confident woman looking into mirror
Prostock-Studio / Shutterstock

Libras want to be their best at any time and love to treat themselvesmanicures and whimsical haircuts. "Rége by Venus, the planet of beauty and luxury, Libras are suckers for everything that is pleasant to the eye," explainsRachel Clare, aastrologer at mystics.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

This concentration on appearance often means that they will attract people sharing the same ideas. "In their social circles, these are magnets for the most attractive person in the play," explains Clare. It also means that they are likely to base their friends and partners on appearances. "They are very picky on whom they join, and if they have the impression that someone will make them look bad, they will most likely keep their distances," warnsAmanda Lee, aastrologybuff astrologer.


A group of young friends stand around a kitchen island during a small dinner party while taking a selfie
Svetikd / Istock

Fish may seem a surprise because they are better known to beSensitive and emotional, but they are secretly a little obsessed. "They can be painfully aware, so they take a personal image and an incredibly serious reputation," said Clare.

Because of their intuitive nature, this sign is very aware of what others think. "You don't have to massively work the ego with a fish," warns Clare. This constant concern for being judged makes them behave in certain vain ways just to impress people. If they know you like fashion, they could boast of their creative handbag. Or if they feel that you think you are smarter than them, they can start launching words unnecessarily unnecessarily.

Read this then:The most emotionally unavailable zodiac sign, according to astrologers.


young handsome man in suit
Danielkrol / Istock

The bullfights can appear on earth, but as they are also governed by Venus, they "never want to be surrounded by pretty things", notes Clare. She describesThis sign as a materialist, and explains that it makes them have "biased priorities and [be] superficial by nature".

But although they are sometimes absorbed, the bullfights "are people at the heart of all this," explains Clare. She says that their vanity comes into play when they "lose sight of what is really important when taken in the pursuit of their own perfection". So, even if you will find them to show their creative failures, they will also be happy to lend you an outfit if you ask.


a small group of men talking outside at a party
Pixdeluxe / Istock

Geminis do not always look in the mirror, but they constantly want to talk about their own adventures. "Physical vanity is less a problem with Gemini, but their self -involvement can really become their fatal defect," explains Clare. They are led by Mercury, the planet of communication, so they "like nothing more thaninteract with others," she explains.

However, speaking a lot is not the real problem. This is the fact that this sign is "inclined to be unilateral in conversations and to forget to engage with the other person," notes Clare. If you need to say something to a gemini, you can certainly interrupt them, but they will probably make appear whatthey are By passing and minimizing your problem.

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Scorpions have big egos for a good reason - people love them. "As a sign of fixed water,Mystery and illusion underlie the psyche of Scorpio, and the sign knows too well how his dark and sensual character [is], "says Clare. They got used to this attention, and it is therefore think that everything they Font is perfect. Do not even get to try to correct or criticize them.

Scorpion vanity also extends to physical appearances. "They are incredibly sensual people, often found themselves attracted by the most attractive people in the room and also seeking to appear as attractive," explains Clare. And as Lee jokes, "if you see someone to be checked in a store window, it could be a scorpion."


selfish woman pointing to herself
Nicoleta Ionescu / Shutterstock

The Leos really think that the world revolves around them and, in a way, it does. They are "governed by the sun, the literal center of our solar system", underlines Clare. Like the Scorpion, they got used to being The center of attention Everywhere parts at workplace. "As a daring and daring fire sign, they want spotlights or be the hot gossip in the city," said Clare. And they will do their best to make sure they get this ego boost.

However, even if the Léos expect to be the focal point of any frame, if they are not the main attraction, it will not end their boastful. It is the real brand of vanity, believing that you are the best or most important, even when the reactions of others say differently.

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