Having this blood group increases your risk of pancreatic cancer by 70%

Are you at increased risks of this fatal form of cancer?

YourCancer commodrary are determined by a complex set of risk factors that are genetic, environmental and behavioral - and with regard to your risk of pancreatic cancer, there is a little -known genetic risk factor which, according to experts, could play an important role : your blood group.

In fact, a 2009 study carried out by Harvard experts revealed that people with a particular blood group are in particular 72% more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those with a least at risk blood group. "The association between the blood group and the risk of pancreatic cancer offers a new avenue to obtain the underlying biological mechanisms of the disease".Brian Wolpin, the main author of the study and a medical instructor at the Harvard Medical School declared viaPress release. "Understanding biology will put us in a better position to intervene so that cancer does not develop or progress." Read the rest to find out if you are at increased risks and to learn to take control of your other risk factors.

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Pancreas cancer is a particularly deadly diagnosis.

Doctor in white medical lab coat points ballpoint pen on anatomical model of human or animal pancreas

Your pancreas is an organ located behind your lower stomach, measuring about six inches in length. Its main objective is to regulate your digestion and your metabolism by secreting enzymes and hormones.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In 2020, more than 57,000 people in the United Statesdiagnosed pancreatic cancer, a condition that most often develops in cells that line pancreatic channels. A shocking 47,000 of these patients died from their condition, say that experts from Johns Hopkins University. This makes pancreatic cancer "one of the deadliest of all types of cancer", although it is relatively rare.

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Most cases of pancreatic cancer are diagnosed late.


The high mortality rate associated with pancreatic cancer is due at least in part to the fact that it is often detected late. ""Pancreatic cancer is rarely detected when he is the most curable, "notes the Mayo clinic." It is because it often causes symptoms only after its spread to other organs. ""

However, when patients have symptoms, they often include jaundice, dark urine, itching, light color stools, abdominal ailments or back, weight loss, nausea and vomiting, blood clots Or the start of diabetes. If you notice these symptoms, talk to your doctor to find out if screening is right for you.

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Having this blood group increases your risk of pancreatic cancer by more than 70%.


According to a 2009 study by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, your chances of developing pancreatic cancer is considerably linked to a surprising factor: yourblood group. "Studies carried out several decades ago suggested a link between the blood group and the risk of various malignant tumors, including pancreatic cancer, but they were limited by the fact that they" looked at "the cancers that s 'were already produced and involved relatively few cases ", the" main author, Wolpin, saidThe Harvard Gazette. "We wanted to see if the association resisted using modern cohorts of patients and research techniques," he added.

What the team found was striking:people with type B blood Had a risk of 72% higher to develop pancreatic cancer compared to the most risky blood group, O. Those with type A and AB type blood were also considered at a high risk, but not also spectacular : Type A individuals had a risk of 32% higher, and AB type individuals presented a risk of 51% higher than type O. "Researchers speculate that antigen changes can interfere with the capacity Cells to report and adhere to each other, and with the ability of the immune system to detect abnormal cells - preparing the field for cancer ","The Harvard Gazette reported.

Focusing on these other factors could help to alleviate your risks.

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Besides your blood group, several othersPancreas cancer risk factors cannot be changed. These include your age, your family history, your race, your sex at birth and the presence of certain genetic syndromes.

However, experts say many factorsare In your power to change and taking control of them, you may be able to alleviate your overall risk of developing pancreatic cancer. These include smoking, not drinking more alcohol than what is recommended, maintaining healthy weight, managing diabetes and limiting your exposure to certain chemicals. Talk to your doctor to learn more about reducing your type of this type and other types of cancer.

Categories: Health
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