The 5 best pets if you travel a lot, say the experts

You can always be a responsible animal parent even if you are constantly traveling.

No matter what your daily schedule implies, assuming the responsibility of a pet is a major commitment. SameMaintenance animals relatively little maintenance need care and attention to make sure theyStay happy and healthy. Unfortunately, this can be bad news for anyone on the road that always wants possession of pets can provide. But while everyone must seriously weigh any decision to adopt a living creature, some animals can work well with a nomadic lifestyle, as long as there is good planning and preparation. Read the rest to see what animal experts say are the best if you travel all the time.

Read this then:The 7 best dogs for beginners, veterinarians say.


Man feeding fishes in the aquarium.

Without the need for home training or a walking schedule, fish are one of the easiest animals to take as a parent for the first time for pets. And according to experts, they are also well suited to anyone who may have to get out of the city often, especially if they can get help from a friend, a roommate or a neighbor during their absence.

"The best you can hope for is an aquarium that you argue with slow -liberation food balls while you are absent,"Amanda Takiguchi, DVM, aveterinarian and founder trendy breeds, tellsBetter life.

Other experts agree with the idea of ​​an aquatic companion. "They do not need a lot of space, do not make much noise, are easy to feed and are little maintenance for constant travelers", "Deepanshu Bedi, marketing director ofAnimal care company Holistapet, tellsBetter life. "In addition, watching the swimming fish can be therapeutic and do you feel good when you spend time at home."


Snake in Arms of child

Although they may not be for everyone, those looking for a pet which is relatively well suited to the heavy travel schedule of an owner should consider going to the reptile section of their pet Shop.

"Most adult snakes can be left alone for a week until they were fed for at least two days before leaving and they have access to drinking water", "Pierre Cabin,,founder and owner of reptile craze, saysBetter life. "Snakes will not be stressed or alone even if you leave them for a long time because they are solitary reptiles. This makes them perfect for pets for constant travelers because it is very unlikely that they encounter problems, even When they are unattended, "adding this the lights and radiators should always be set in the timer to ensure that the speaker provides them with the healthiest environment.

Other experts point out that certain types facilitate even easier adopted than others. "Many species of snakes such as corn or milk snakes require fairly low maintenance once their speaker is installed", "Josh SNEAD,,pet and CEO of Rainwalk pet insure, saysBetter life. "The adults of these species generally need to eat every 14 days, and as long as you have a heat source and an appropriate thermostat and someone to change their water, it is not a pet that you need to worry while you are absent. "

Read this then:6 pets with low interviews that can reduce your stress, say the experts.


The girl holds in her hands an evil dissatisfied cat.

Let's be clear: some types of animals require a lot of human affection and attention, whatever their independent. But if you are the type of person who helps friends, family or roommates, you may consider a feline friend with meticulous planning.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"In general, cats will be much easier to manage than dogs if you travel a lot,"Patrik Holmboe,,chief veterinarian For Cooper Pet Care, saysBetter life. "A cat does not need to go out for walks, and it is very easy to clean a litter tray if you have someone in your stay with you or come to your home to take care of them while you are Absent. Automatic flows also work very well for cats, allowing them to be alone for a long time. "

"Cats in general also need human interaction, still allowing you to travel more and bring someone home from time to time," he adds. However, Holmboe emphasizes that you should never assume the responsibility of a cat which you are not sure to be able to take care of yourself.


Spider crazy news 2018

Pets can present with all shapes, sizes, races and species. And if you are looking for a relatively low maintenance companion, experts say that tarantules can work well with busy travel schedules for anyone who is not arachnophobic.

"If you like frightening pets, tarantules are perfect,"Daniel Caughill,,Expert and co-founder for pets Dog tale, tellsBetter life. "As they do not have the same food or social requirements of a dog or a cat, arachnids can make large exotic animals for those who travel a lot."

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Any animal that belongs to someone else

Owner and Jack Russell terrier walking in a park
Shutterstock / Pattarawat

Any expert would agree that it is absolutely essential to admit that the hectic travel schedules make responsible possession of pets impossible for some people. But if you still want animal affection, it could help intervene with someone else's pet as an occasional guardian when you have time.

"Maybe you'd better find a neighbor with a pet dog, explain the circumstances, and see if you can walk the dog when you are in the region. Or offer pets sitting for Friends if their time coincide with your time at home, "suggests Takiguchi. "Rescue centers - like those of retired leviors - often allow people to walk their dogs. Or maybe you could find a local stable and horseback riding when you are at home."

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News / Pets
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