To be around this makes your partner more likely to cheat, says a new study

They could be exposed more often than you think.

Depending on the parameters and expectations you and your partner have defined, there may be different beliefs on"cheat" in a relationship. For many, however, a monogamous situation in which each partner is completely faithful to each other, is ideal. They want to have confidence that another significant does not get lost, even if they find themselves attracted to someone else. But despite such a commitment, infidelity can often occur. Although there is not always a concrete answer on the reason why someone wanders, a new study suggests that if your partner is exposed to a particular thing, it could make them more likely to cheat. Read the rest to discover what the new data suggests and how it could affect your relationship.

Read this then:If your partner has these 4 qualities, they are more likely to be mistaken.

We are all affected by social standards.

group of friends talking
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Human beings are intrinsically social. Even if you are more introverted than in extrovert, you are always affected by those around you, and their actions can also have an impact on how you think and feel.

"Culture is shaped by social norms, even in microcosms such as groups of friends", "Brianne Billups Hughes,,Authorized and family wedding therapist And sex, explains. These are the practices or behaviors that you see exposed by others, which then seem acceptable or "normal". According to the Boston University School of Public Health, this concept is the main objective ofSocial norms theory, which assesses "the influence of peers and the role it plays in individual decision -making around behavior".

As a child, you may have experienced this if your friends were doing something and you felt inclined to follow, even if you knew that your parents would not approve. When you inevitably took yourself, they asked the rhetorical question: "If everyone jumps from a cliff, isn't it?" It may seem trivial now, but this analogy can be used to illustrate how we are assigned by our peers in adulthood-Even when it comes to cheating.

Your friends can have more influence on your relationship than you want.

woman suspecting cheating husband
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Those who are in committed monogamous relationships often use strategies formitigate their attraction to other partners or their temptations,GURIT BIRNBAUM, PHD, professor of psychology at Reichman University in Herzliya, Israel, wrote in an article by Psypost. These include ignoring those they find attractive or "perceiving them as less desirable than them".

However, a new study revealed that when people see others around them cheating, they are not also inclined to use "relational protection strategies".

Published inSexual behavior archives On August 17, theThe study actually asked If infidelity is "contagious" - and the short response is, yes. According to the results of the study, see other people cheating reduces the commitment of the participants in the study towards their current relationship, as well as their desire to resist temptation.

"These results suggest that environments that promote greater prevalence of infidelity reduce motivation to protect the link with the current partner, possibly preparing the ground to release the desire for alternative partners," said Birnbaum, who is also 'Author of the main study, in the Psychost article. "Such environments can make people more vulnerable, if not" infect ", infidelity."

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The study used three tests to assess the probability of cheating.

filling out questionnaire
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As part of the global study, the researchers conducted three distinct studies, or tests, where the participants were exposed to cheat behavior exposed by others.

As part of the first test, study participants received research results that declared high or low rates of infidelity. Afterwards, they were asked to write the first sexual fantasy they could think of. These were then evaluated and "evaluated for the levels of desire" towards the current and different partners.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

For the second test, the researchers used more "objective" measures to assess how exposure applies to different forms of cheating. To do this, participants read stories about romantic cheating or academic cheating (as on a test). After reading the declarations, they were asked to assess the attractiveness of a foreigner and to decide if they could be a potential partner.

As part of the final test, the investigators wanted to see if the exposure to cheating would also increase their attempts to do so via the flirt. Participants read the results of the survey of high romantic or academic cheating rates, and were then interviewed by an online "attractive" person. Subsequently, the participants sent a message to the interviewer, which the wars evaluated by independent judges, who evaluated the efforts of the participants "to interact again with them". Participants also evaluated how sexually they found that they found the interviewer and their commitment to their current partner.

Some experts say that cheating is invited to other problems.

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Birnbaum notes that if the immersion in the environments where cheating is widespread seems to indicate "the justification to abandon the long -term priorities of relationship maintenance", it does not automatically transform people into cheaters.

Terre Dimatteo,,Authorized professional advisor open door therapy andBlogger behind rags, suggests that cheating is the result of additional problems in a relationship.

"Infidelity is almost always the result of a weakened intimacy link between a committed pair or a married couple," she explains. “Romantic ties are strongest when partners systematically turn to each other for their emotional and sexual intimacy. If the link between the pair is weakening, and everyone no longer turns to the other for an intimate connection, it leaves the parts likely to form a connection with someone outside the relationship or primary marriage. ""

Dimatteo questions the results of the study by adding that cheating also occurs in groups of friends where you are surrounded by "devoted, faithful and faithful pairs" because it is in fact motivated by the attachment link 'a couple.

On the other hand, Birnbaum indicates that if your partner already plans to move away, certain environments can act as "the additional push necessary to resolve the conflict between the following moral values ​​and succumb to short -term temptations in a way which promotes infidelity. "

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