5 drugs that could make you lose your appetite

If food seems less attractive to you lately, one of these drugs could be the culprit.

While many people naturally be wary of drugs that cancause weight, drugs that considerably decrease your appetite can also be harmful. Interestingly, appetite is not the same thing as hunger. Hunger is "a feeling of discomfort resulting from a lack of food", while "appetite is simply the desire to eat", explain the experts of Healthiifyme. "Hunger is the way of the body to tell you thatyou must eat, "They write, while hunger is" the physiological need for the body of food ".

So is the appetite really necessary? Absolutely, says the site - in fact, it's crucial for our health. "The work of appetite is to lead you to eat enough to meet the needs in terms of nutrients and energy of your body," explains Healthifyme. Although it is true that our appetites can sometimes lead us to - aAdditional help from Ben & Jerry At midnight, anyone? - the effects ofLong -term appetite loss May indicate a serious problem and have negative or even deadly side effects, explains Healthline. These include fatigue, rapid heart rate, malnutrition or vitamin deficiencies.

Read the rest to discover about five drugs that could reduce your appetite.

Read this then:4 drugs doctors never prescribe again.

Stimulants for ADHD

Container of pills and prescription for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Hailshadow / Istock

"The desires of appetite and food have something to do with the balance of the brain of dopamine", explainsChristine Kingsley, After and theDirector of health and well-being At the Lung Institute. "Unfortunately, dopamine levels are slightly" extinct "in people with a attention / hyperactivity deficit disorder (ADHD), which makes them more impulsive on food and leaving them greater appetite.

Using ADHD drugs, such as methylphenid ​​and dexample crumbling, can restore the balance of dopamine in the brain, Kingsley explains. "This therefore reduces its food desires and offers them a much more manageable appetite." She notes that loss of appetite due toADHD drugs Maybe "inevitable", but people must contact a health professional when these appetite changes become diets or involve "sudden and important weight loss".

Some antidepressants

Doctor holding container of antidepressants
Thomas Faull / Istock

Many people experience weight gainWhile taking antidepressants, notes the new medical people today, which points toA 2019 review Out of 27 different studies showing that people experienced a five percent increase in their weight at the start of antidepressants. However, they say that "some antidepressants can contribute to weight loss by reducing a person's appetite, leading them to consume fewer calories than they burn".AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Medical News reports today that bupropion (Wellbutrin), fluoxetine (prozac) and duloxetine (cymbalta) can all lead to loss of appetite. But, they write: "It is common that side effects such as weight loss stabilize because the body adapts to the drug."

Diabetes drugs

Pills in the palm of a person's hand.

The anti-diabetic semaglutide was initially used to treat people with type 2 diabetes by approaching blood sugar. "Controlhigh blood sugar Helps prevent damage caused by kidneys, blindness, nervous problems, loss of members and sexual function problems, "said the webmd. However, the medication has proven to be so emotional to cause weight loss that Food and Drug Administration (FDA) used as a weight loss medication in 2021.

"The drug is a synthetic version of an intestinal hormone thatDeletes hunger and appetite"Healthline reports, which also notes that this is the first drug that the FDA has approved for weight loss since 2014." In clinical trials, participants who took the medication lost around 12% of their body weight compared to those who took a placebo. ""

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Syringe and description of fentanyl.
Hailshadow / Istock

Kingsley cites opioids such as fentanyl as potentially causing a loss of appetite - among other very serious problems. "Used to treat pain, this medication focuses on receptors that are mainly in the brain and the intestine causing alterations in the way the patient feels," she said. "As eliminates feelings of pain, it can also eliminate feelings of hunger in the process." Kingsley explains that some patients also experience a dry mouthWhen you take fentanyl, who interferes with their pleasure of food. "It is essential to consult a health professional immediately once this medication begins to trigger respiratory problems, drowsiness and confusion and speeches," she notes.

Fentanyl is also dangerous in many other ways. According to an article published by the Department of Health and Social Services of Caroline du Nord (NCDHHS), the powerful synthetic opioid is 50 to 100 timesmore powerful than morphine: "As little as two milligrams, the size of five grains of salt, can cause negative health effects," notes the author. These includeserious dependence, overdose and death.

Chemotherapy drugs

Intravenous medicine being administered in a hospital room.
Pitchayanan Kongkaew / Istock

Cancer patients May be loss of appetite for a myriad of reasons, including the drugs prescribed. "Cancer drugs can causeLoss of appetite or taste changes, "Explains research cancer in the United Kingdom; these drugs include targeted cancer drugs, pain relievers and immunotherapy. In addition, hormonal therapies or bisphosphonates can" cause a slight disease that could discourage you from your food ".

Cancer research also notes that "cancer itself and certain released chemicals can also cause changes in your appetite". "Fatigue, pain and depression can cause a lack of energy," explain their experts. "So you might not have the motivation to eat."

The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends speaking to your doctor and your cancer care teamPossible changes in appetite. In addition, "reporting on appetite changes can help limit problems to lose too much weight and have poor nutrition". ACS also suggests approaches that includeeat snacks and smaller meals instead of three large meals a day; drink liquid between meals instead of eating; be physically active; And keep "snacks rich in calories and protein rich". "Try hard -cooked eggs, peanut butter, cheese, ice cream, granola bars, liquid nutritional supplements, puddings, nuts, tuna or canned chicken, or a mixture of trails "Explains the site.

Best Life offers the most recent information from high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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