Is it possible that Lucie Borhy is pregnant?
Lucie Borhyová, a TV, is very happy and has fulfilled all her life desires.

Lucie Borhyová, a TV, is very happy and has fulfilled all her life desires. Maybe there is something else that this nice presenter can surprise us. This is a potential pregnancy with Brno lawyer Michal Smečka. He is 10 years younger than Lucie and is still waiting for his first offspring. The couple has been dating together for a long time and it seems that Lucie really found the right one. Pregnancy and other offspring would not be a complete surprise. Will they get pregnant with her boyfriend? It is already trying to do this, because the presenter plays publicly with the idea of pregnancy.
Lucie has her dream relationship
Lucie is currently experiencing a very happy period. This is mainly due to her strong relationship with the Moravian entrepreneur Michal Smečka, for whom the presenter often travels to Brno. Michal is an attentive man and recently even prepared for his sweet unexpected trip to an unknown place. Beautiful TV presenter had no idea where they were traveling. He likes a similar type of surprise and can please her. The couple eventually arrived in the capital of Hungary, where they enjoyed a romantic holiday together.
Television star Lucie Borhyová is generally known because she can successfully keep her privacy life and does not give the fans a preview under the lid. It is a radical difference from many other Czech celebrities, which regularly complement photos and comments on their social networks, where thousands of fans follow them. Lucie has always been careful especially of information about their two children. Nevertheless, it has been known for a long time that it has been a couple with a lawyer for almost five years. She did not comment on her relationship for a long time, but now she sometimes publishes some photograph. However, the couple usually do not participate in any major public events.

Can we wait for another baby?
Recently, in public, he has begun to rumor that the in love presenter, who has two younger children from the previous relationship, would not be very resistant to bringing her third child to the world with her current friend. Lucie even commented on this topic several times in the media and could face similar issues of moderators. She said she left this thing open and sees what life will bring her in the future. She also expressed for the tabloid magazine in the sense that she was unable to imagine a third child at the moment. With this answer, however, she smiled mischievously.
This spring, the presenter pleasantly surprised all her admirers on the Instagram social network, where she added a joint photo with her beloved. In this post, the couple kissed passionately under a richly blooming cherry. There is no doubt that they really love and experience idyllic periods. So how will it be with any other baby? We have no choice but to wait a while to tell us the truth.

He rejoices most of his children
Lucie Borhyová has two children of her previous relationships. Specifically, the older son of Lucas and the younger daughter of Linda. She loves her children above all and is the most important thing for her. Therefore, it is also good that she has finally met a man who can be not only a good partner, but also a great dad from her family. Speaking of travel surprise from a partner, Lucie often confides that he is most pleased with the gifts and surprises from his two descendants.
In one interview she mentioned that children were trying to make their mother happy and save on buying a nice gift. However, the best gift is that children produce themselves. Lucie will make Lucia the most happy with a painted picture. From his older son Lukas, however, also received a tasteful handbag or from her daughter decent brooch in the shape of a bow tie. This brooch took the presenter several times to shoot TV newspaper on TV Nova.

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