This emblematic department store closes its last locations in these states
The formerly powerful retailer slowly disappears and leaves these areas for good.

It is not difficult to see that traditional retailers have struggled in the past decade, in particulardepartment stores. This was already a growing problem caused by the increase in competition from online stores has been exacerbated by the COVVI-19 pandemic and is now driven by a tense economy andlow foot trafficking. Unfortunately, these conditions have even affected some of the most recognized names in retail, whose reduction footprints are a reminder of changing times. And now, an emblematic department store closes its last two locations in two states. Read the rest to see which places will no longer have access to the retailer who disappears quickly.
Read this then:This popular supermarket chain closes all its pharmacies.
The last wave of retail closings has shown no signs of slowdown.

Regardless of their size or influence, all companies have trouble with the same realities on the market at one time or another. Unfortunately, many retailers have recently used closing places in order to stay afloat.
On August 31, Bath Bath Bath Retailing Home and Beyond announced that it would beswitch off 150 of its "lower production" locations in the coming months,Reduce your number of stores 16%, according to a press release. The company also declared that it was going to fire around 20% of its employees of the company and the supply chain as part of its "cost structure initiative" because it is struggling to remain afloat.
In the meantime, other formerly emblematic brands havealmost disappeared After recent components. In April, Kmart confirmed that he only hadThree remaining stores In New Jersey, New York and Florida after a recent wave of closures. The retailer once had more than 2,000 locations at its peak,United States today reported.
And now another formerly powerful retailer is about to disappear entirely because it flies more locations.
An emblematic department store closes its last locations in certain regions.

Companies can go and go over time, but it is not every day that a retailer formerly omnipresent leaves a major market for good. According to a publication on social networks produced by the store, theLast Sears remaining location in New York will soon be its doors,Mid-Hudson News reports. A spokesperson for Newburgh Mall confirmed to the news that the retailer actually completed his activities and would close for good on October 16 as an emblematic department storeSay goodbye to the State Empire.
"It is with a heavy heart to announce the Sears store at the Newburgh Mall closes its doors on October 16. We would like to thank the community for its support in the last 43 years here in the Newburgh Mall," wrote the store In a Facebook post. The store also announces a liquidation sale of more than $ 2.3 million in its inventory and accessories until the last day.
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Another state will lose its only Sears store remaining in the coming days.

The narrowing retailer also withdraws from another state for good. The last remainingSears in Hawaii In the center of Ala Moana in Honolulu soon closes its doors, the local reports of the ABC Kitv4. The location, which is a small store of household appliances and mattresses, has not yet announced exactly when its last day of operation is.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
The news of the closure comes from months after Aloha's state has lost itsLast Sears Complete Sears store In November 2021 with the closure of the location at the Kaahumanu Center on Maui. Residents of the islands will now only have access to a repair service for products purchased under warranty, a store partner in the place of Honolulu confirmed in Kitv4.
Sears closings have become common in the past year, including its hometown stores.

The current state of Sears is in striking contrast with the days not so long ago when its name wasSynonymous with shopping. The history of the company saw him begin as a mail order catalog in 1892 before finally becoming the largest retailer of the United States in the 1980s. However, a slowdown in sales and financial difficulties during The following decades led him to be bought by Kmart in 2004 to try to maintain the two brands in difficulty. Instead, the two filed a bankruptcy of Chapter 11 in 2018, the SEARS footprint continuing to shrink toJust 36 stores In 2021, according toForbes.
In a declaration atUnited States today In September 2021, the current mother company Transformco said that its "front storeStrategy for Sears and Kmart is to exploit a diversified portfolio made up of a small number of larger department stores with a larger number of small stores. "The company said it understood most than300 stores in the hometown which were opened at the time, which were "mainly exploited by independent dealers or franchisees of a transformco affiliate".
However, imminent closures in New York and Hawaii are only the last of a wave of recent shutters that seem to prolong the disappearance of the brand. Last spring, roughly100 sears locations in the hometown had to close definitively in a few weeks and effectively reduce the detailing imprint by half, according to a CNN report on May 31. More announcements ofimminent closures have followed since, including aLocation of the hometown of Sears In Cudahy, the Wisconsin announcing a "closing event in store", theMilwaukee Journal Sentinel reported on August 25.