5 warnings of ex-UPS employees

You probably cannot avoid the shipping service, but you can be smarter about it.

These days, if you are at each end of a shipped package, there is a good chance that it will pass through the United Parcel Service (UPS). Easily one of the largest maritime companies on the planet, UPS manages a fleet ofOver 120,000 vehicles- All finished in their brand Brown Pullman of brand - in more than 200 global regions. It is quite difficult to avoid this omnipresent service, but there are certain things you should knowBefore ordering or sending Your next package. Read the rest for a series of warnings to keep in mind, directly from those who know the best: the old employees.

Read this then:UPS and Fedex send this new warning to customers.

Delays could be the sender's fault.

Person Preparing to Ship Items
Floor image / trigger

Everyone had something stuck in Purgatory package - this liminal space where it is in transit for weeks or months. When this happens, the instinct is to blame the maritime company, but problems like this often come from the original shipping source. If they do not provide all the necessary shipping information, UPS cannot bring the box to its final destination.

"What is usually happening is that we will keep the packages and try to contact the sender first, but if they do not answer in a few days thenWe have to return the package, "An employee said on Reddit." Imagine what is happening when the same sender does it again and again. ""

If you do not constantly obtain a package that you have ordered, you can try to register with UPS directly, but that could not hurt to check with the original sender - whether it is a retailer or an individual - to ensure that all shipping information has been provided.

Your package is definitely thrown away.

Open UPS Truck
Yau Ming Low / Shutterstock

It's nice to believe that your packages are manipulated like a Fabergé egg every turn, but the truth is not as comfortable. As the same UPS employee on Reddit pointed out, your packages make a long trip through "A belt system This extends for kilometers. "Along the way, it is required to bounce back. The basic idea is that Bubble Wrap protects one of the internal content. Hopefully.

"Regarding the delivery man who launches your belongings, there is no real preventive measure against this," added the employee. "The workers are supposed to place packages, not throw them away, but when you have an invasive schedule like hell and the salary is not worth it, people are starting not to worry about it."

Read this then:Never send this to a letter, warns the USPS worker.

Missed deliveries could be a driver problem.

UPS Delivery Driver
Akerri / Shutterstock

You have specifically appointed that your package is delivered without signature or someone to receive it, and yet it never happened. Worse, you were actually at home when the package was marked as a failed delivery. The first time is boring. The second? Frustrating. Even more exasperated, all this could be because your driver has misunderstood, misunderstood or ignored the instructions.

"It seems that your driver does not really know what [they] do," said a UPS pilot in a Reddit session ask me. "If theThe driver obtains instructions On the Diad (the portable delivery computer) to leave the package, they are supposed to leave it. All responsibility and responsibility leave you, so why would they care? They must talk about it. ""

However, there are two exceptions: alcohol and firearms. "These need a signature in person whatever happens."

Keep your animals away from the truck.

UPS Package Deliveries
Images Tada / Shutterstock

Maybe you think it's cute, or maybe you think it's a harmless nuisance, but little is more dangerous for your pets than allowing them to constantly chase a truck - or even, according to a driver, allowing them to jump into the taxi.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"When animalsFollow or continue the vehicle We have a chance to hit them potentially, "said another driver in a reddit ask me anything." For all cute fur babies, I strongly recommend that if you see a UPS driver, put them inside or have them on a leash so we don't have anxiety to injure themselves Or hurt your pet. ""

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Yes, employees check the packages.

Person Scanning Packages
Rido / Shutterstock

Don't worry, it's not to spy on. If UPS employees end up opening packages, it is above all to be found andCheck shipping documents, An employee revealed on Reddit. That said, if they doFind something illegal- For example, according to a story that this employee has retracted, "two bags of cocaine basket size" - he will be seized on site. Not that we had to warn you.

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