A nurse missed this key symptom of her intestine cancer

The warning panels can be so subtle that an experienced nurse has missed it.

Symptoms of intestine cancer - also called colon cancer - can be subtle, but it is important to monitorWarning signs of this common and potentially fatal disease. According to the American Cancer Society, it is theThird most common cancer Diagnosed in the United States (excluding skin cancer) and should lead to around 52,580 deaths in 2022.

While warning signs of intestine cancer can imitate other types ofgastrointestinal distress Like diarrhea, symptoms are varied and can manifest both in and out of the bathroom. In Australia, where intestine cancer is the second deadliestcancer shape, a nurse missed a key symptom of the disease. Read the rest to discover what it was.

Read this then:If you notice it in the bathroom, check the cancer.

Colorectal cancers can often be avoided.

Proctologist pointing pen rectum pathologies on an anatomical model.

Various names for cancers that occur in the same general region can be confusing, but the type of disease depends on where it comes. "Intestine cancer is cancer that begins in the big intestine or the colon," explainsgastroenterologist and gastrointestinal laparoscopic surgeon,,Samrat Jankar. "Colorectal cancer (or CRC) is a more general term: it refers to cancers that start in the colon or rectum." Most people with intestine cancer or colorectal cancer have no symptoms "as long as cancer is advanced and spread beyond the colon and rectum," says Jankar.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Not only can the symptoms of these types of cancer be subtle, but many people fail to followTypes of projections It can be very effective in catching the disease in its early days. "Sixty percent of the deaths of colorectal cancercould be prevented With screening, "advice fight against colorectal cancer. But" one in three people is not up to date with the screening of colorectal cancer ".

Symptoms of intestine cancer may appear in or out of the bathroom.

Woman sitting on a bench suffering from abdominal pain.
Svitlana Hulko / Istock

Some of the mostCommon signs of intestine cancer are changes that appear in the bathroom. "If a tumor blocks the intestine, the blood vessels of your intestines can break, causing blood in your stools," said Jankar. In addition, "patients can describe loose stools or change in stool frequency." Diarrhea is also a symptom, just like abdominal pain.

Other symptoms may seem unrelated to your stomach or intestine. "While cancer spreads to lymph nodes, you can undergo unexplained weight loss," explains Jankar, who also notes that pain in the back, legs or basin can be a warning sign, as well as Fatigue when the disease causes a loss of nutrients and minerals.

"Regular projections for colorectal cancer are crucial, especially if you areon higher ratings Due to something like your family medical history, "reports WebMD." Tests are the only way to spot early cancer. ""

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This nurse missed a common, but subtle sign of intestine cancer.

Doctor speaking with patient.
SDI Productions / Istock

MIRIAM VAN ZANTEN, a 49 -year -old nurse with more than 25 years of experience based in Sydney, Australia, was diagnosed with bowel cancer of stage four after feeling stomach pain (the disease started in her Intestine, but had spread to her liver when she was diagnosed).

But even before abdominal discomfort, Van Zanten had experienced a common - but subtle - intestine - cancer of the intestine cancer.

"With hindsight, I can say that I hadvery soft constipation that I putdo not drink enough"She told 9news." Being a nurse, not having enough time to drink, run, not have time to pee. "

"Constipation is aCommon symptom of intestine cancer, even if it is also a symptom of many other conditions, "warns Jankar, who cites drugs, lack of exercise, a low fiber diet and laxative abuses as other possible causes." Constipation could be caused by obstruction in the intestine due to a tumor or the presence of blood clots, "he said.

Regular screening and a healthy lifestyle can help reduce your risk of intestine cancer.

Woman sitting on exercise mat drinking a beverage.
Hispanolitic / Istock

According to centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), intestine cancer (or, more generally, colorectal cancer) "almost always develops Precancerous polyps (abnormal growth) in the colon or rectum. ""

"Regular screening, from the age of 45, is the key to preventing colorectal cancer and finding it early," said the CDC. "The US preventive services working group recommends that adults aged 45 to 75 are examined for colorectal cancer, [and that] adults aged 76 to 85 are talking about their screening doctor."

In addition to regular projections, intestinal health lifestyle choices are also recommended. Jankar suggests a "fiber -rich and low in red meat ; "Regular exercise; remain systematically hydrated; and Limited alcohol contribution As part of your routine. "[The diet] is particularly important if you are at high risk of developing intestine cancer. Rich foods Include nuts, seeds, beans, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, "says Jankar.

Categories: Health
Tags: Cancer / News / Symptoms
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