A cardiologist breaks down the new AHA report on symptoms of the most common heart disease

The American Heart Association underlines the importance of assessing all the symptoms.

The signs and symptoms of heart disease vary considerably. Some are better known, such as pain or discomfort in the chest. Other signsare more surprising- Heart disease can manifestvia skin conditions, for example - and some people with heart disease may not have symptoms.

A new report published by the American Heart Association (AHA) providesa updated look In the most reported symptoms of six types of cardiovascular disease (MCV): heart attack, heart failure, valve disease, stroke, heart rate disorders and peripheral artery and vein (PAD and PVD). Above all, the report stresses that all symptoms should be taken into account when evaluating a patient's heart disease.

"The point to remember the most important [of the new report] is that the symptoms are subjective and can vary depending on age, sex and other health problems," saidKaustubh Dabhadkar, Md,cardiologist in Charlotte, in North Carolina. Read on to find out more.

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The most common sign of heart disease can be confused with other conditions.

Woman sitting on the couch with her hand on her chest.
Pixelseffect / Istock

The new report underlines that doctors must know all the patient's symptoms during the evaluationTheir heart health, even if they do not seem immediately linked.

AHA maintains thatThe most common symptom Cardiac diseases are chest pain. Caused by a disturbance of the flow of blood to the heart, and also known as angina of chest or angina of chestchest pain, "Advises the Mayo clinic, as well as a feeling of heaviness on the chest." Angina can be new pain that must be checked by a health care provider, or recurring pain that disappears with treatment. ""

The Mayo clinic warns that angina can be manifested in a similar way to other types of chest pain "such as discomfort of indigestion". "If you have unexplained chest pain, ask for a doctor immediately," said the site. The AHA report stresses that considering othersOther potential symptomsHeart disease is a way to determine if your chest pain is angina.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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Men and women can have different symptoms of heart disease.

Doctor using a stethoscope listen to the heartbeat of a patient.
Peopleimages / Istock

When you feel a heart attack, womencan be more likely To have nausea and pain in the shoulders and upper back with chest pain, explains Medicinenet. The AHA report underlines that it is important to note how other types of heart disease may differ withRegards to the genre.

According to the AHA report, women may not have symptomsDisprint of the peripheral artery (PAD), while men can feel leg pain. When women have symptoms, this "can be wrongly attributed to other conditionslike osteoarthritis, or even rejected under the false hypothesis that the disease of the peripheral artery is more frequent in men, "warns Medicinenet. This may explain why women can frequently be diagnosed with diseases" later that they would have been diagnosed if they were men ""Christopher Lee, said the vice-president of the writing committee of the AHA report, the site.

Depression can affect a person's ability to recognize symptoms of heart disease.

Man leaning his head against a window.
Jeffbergen / Istock

Studies have found a significant complex link between depression and heart disease. ""People with depression are more likely todevelop heart disease, [and] people with heart disease can suffer from depression, "reports the AHA." Research suggests that 15 to 30% of people with cardiovascular disease suffer from depression - one rate two to three times higher than the general population.""Roy Charles Ziegelstein, M.D., wrote in an article published by Johns Hopkins Medicine that "people with depression But no heart disease previously detected, seemsdevelop heart disease At a higher rate than the general population. ""

This connection, and the similarities shared by two conditions, can also lead to confusion when it is time for a diagnosis. "In young adults, palpitations are often confused with anxiety," notes Dabhadkar. "I often see patients who have been treated togeneralized anxiety disorder For years but have a heart rate disorder. ""

In addition, people with depression may not be able to easily identify symptoms of heart disease. "Depression, common in many CVDs, can influence a person's ability to detect changes in symptoms," warns the new AHA report.

Patients should go deep with their doctors on symptoms.

Patient consulting with doctor in office.

The report explains that other signs of heart disease warning may include "shortness of breath, fatigue, perspiration, nausea and dizziness" - but AHA highlights the importance of exploring all the symptoms that A patient experiences, whatever their gender or if these symptoms seem to be linked to the heart or not.

"Symptoms may not be recognized or not reported whether people do not think they areimportant or linked To an existing state of health, "wrote AHA on Scitechdaily." In addition, symptoms can occur without changes in progression of the disease, and the pathological state can also progresssymptom. ""

"Often, an experienced clinician should dig up symptoms," says Dabhadkar. "We often see patients who have lived withHeart disease symptoms Or heart failure for a long time for it to have become their normal new. "He adds that patients should be allowed to describe their symptoms" in their own words ".

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