5 things you need to withdraw from your pharmacy cabinet now, pharmacists say

Pharmacists weigh on the wisdom to store these common items in your bathroom.

You can say a lot about a person by taking a look at their pharmacy cabinet - not that we would never approve spying. For example, a wardrobe full of shampoo and hotel revitalizers is likely to belong to a frequent traveler (perhaps one with a slight hobby problem). A Neatnik is necessarily to have all theirMedicine bottles Coix closely and aligned according to the size, while more, we will say, the pharmacy cabinet of the creative inclined person could be so overflowing with random items that a screwdriver falls when you open it. (Do not ask.) But whatever you are, experts warn that some things should be fully kept from your bathroom pharmacy cabinet. Read more on which items, pharmacists say you should find a new place immediately.

Read this then:Storage of your drugs here can increase side effects, study results.

Medication of all kinds

A Variety of Open Pill Bottles
Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock

PagingAlanis Morissette: It can be called a "pharmacy cabinet", but ironically, you shouldnot Keep your drugs, whether prescription or the sale (OTC). "Fluctuations in the temperature of the bathroom (heat, steam) affect the stability of drugs".Nancy Butler, Pharmd, RPH,Director of pharmacy K At Digital Care Company K Health, says. "Unstable drugs are not sure to ingest ... Always store medication in a fresh and dry location and check the expiration date before ingesting."

Need to get rid of the medication and Primers? "Expired over -the -counter medication can be thrown into household waste," explains Butler. "Make sure to remove them from the original container and mix with coffee grounds or a litter of second-hand cats to prevent children or pets from consuming. Put the mixture in something you can close and place in garbage. "

Vitamins and supplements

mature asian woman taking supplements
Dean Drobot / Shutterstock

Like your over -the -counter and prescription drugs, vitamins and supplements do not hold in the hot conditions of your bathroom. Vitamin C, in particular, is likely to fluctuate temperatures and humidity, saysShaili Gandhi, Pharmd and vice-president of the pharmacy atSinglecare.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Pharmacy cabinets are not an ideal place for storing medicines, because bathrooms are often hot and humid pieces," she said, echoing butler. "This type of environment can change drugs and make it less effective."


disposable razors

"Another element that should not be stored in the pharmacy cabinet is a razor, as excessive heat and humidity can speed up the rust razor," notes Gandhi.

Although it can be embarrassing to keep your razor somewhere in the bathroom, a rusty razor will not do an effective job to keep your skin smooth - and it is more likely to prick you too. So if you are looking for a thatched face (or legs, or wells) without cutting, find a different place to store these blades.

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Benzoyl peroxide treatments

woman performing skincare routine
Popcorner / Shutterstock

Skin care enthusiasts, take note! If your products contain benzoyl peroxide, Gandhi says it is best not to keep them in the pharmacy cabinet. This includes many popular acne products, such as cleanser, toner and punctual treatments.

In fact, if you are a real devotee of skin care product, you may want to invest in a mini-refrigerator dedicated only to your serums and scrubs-just like the actorAna de Armas, whose radiant complexion isSufficient recommendation for us.

Everything that is labeled "stay out of the reach of children"

two toddlers playing with toys
Shutterstock / Famveld

If you think your little ones are not large enough to reach the pharmacy cabinet, think again. The only thing children love more than climbing is to put themselves in a mischief, and it simply does not worth the risk of endangering them.

While Butler notes that "everything labeled like poison should not be stored in a drug cabinet", "make sure that nothing else dangerous for children is stored in your cabinet Pharmacy. In other words, unless it cannot be secure. "Do not store anything that says" stay out of the reach of children "in a wardrobe of safety drugs", she warns. This may include products from products Cleaning, electric style tools and everything that could constitute a risk of suffocation.

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