If you have one of these 9 symptoms, it could be Ba.5, say doctors

You are more likely to feel them if you are infected with the last subvariant.

As far as the public wants to put Covid-19 far behind them, it is clear that the virus has not yet finished wreaking havoc. Even if cases start to decrease in the United StatesThose who are reported- They remain relatively high, with a national average of99,832 new daily infections As of August 15, according toThe New York Times. The last obstacle to the taking of Covid was the emergence of the subvariant BA.5, which differs from the previous versions of the virus with different signs of infection. And now research helps determine exactly what you should be on the lookout if you think you are cocovated. Read the rest to see what symptoms that doctors say could be a sign of BA. 5.

Read this then:Dr Fauci says that people who do not do this "will be in trouble".

The subvariant BA.5 is the dominant tension in the United States

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Since the start of the pandemic, the fight against COVID-19 has involved trying to stay ahead of new variants that affect the body differently. The latest enemy is the Omicron BA.5 subvariant, which has become the dominant strain of the virus in the United States in early July and is now responsible for88.8% of current cases At the national level, according to data from the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from the week ending on August 13.

Fortunately, research has shown that the Omicron variant and its ramifications are aMore soft version From the virus that produces less serious illnesses and death in those it infects, especially in vaccinated and stimulated people, according to the CDC. But as with previous lines, studies have shown that people who contract the BA.5 subvariant tend to have different symptoms of those observed with Delta or Alpha. Now research has shown what signs you should look for if you think you get sick.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Doctors say that nine specific symptoms could mean that you have been infected with the Ba. 5 subvariant.

Sick woman lying in bed

More than two years of pandemic treatment have made the public to be wary of the specific warning signs of Covid, we believe that the beginning of the virus. But a team of Norwegian researchers was able to determine which Omicron symptoms and the Ba. 5 subvariant could really cause a case study of aepidemic during a holiday party At the end of November which was published in the reviewEurosurvence. After interviewing 111 of 117 guests - 89 of which received two doses of mRNA vaccine but no recall - scientists discovered that 66Tested positive for COVVID and 15 were probably infections by the virus, byThe independent.

The researchers were then able to reduce the reported symptoms of each of the infected group guests. They found that the most common was a throbbing cough, a flowing nose or a blocked nose, fatigue or lethargy, sore throat, headache, muscle pain, fever and sneezing.

In addition to the results of the study, health officials in the United KingdomUpdate the list of potential symptoms, adding nausea in April. At the same time, experts also noted thatPreviously common symptoms Like loss of taste and breathtaking has become less common with the last subvariant, according toThe temperature.

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Many symptoms may feel very similar to a "bad cold", say doctors.

A young woman having her nose swabbed for a COVID test by a healthcare worker

While the update list ofpotential symptoms Can facilitate the task of saying if you are in BA.5, the list is also quite similar to that caused by other current viruses. In some cases, it can be difficult to distinguish what is really cocoked without testing.

"[This tension] causes a bad cold to the influenza disease,"Print Tosh, MD, doctor and researcher of infectious diseases at Mayo Clinic, told HuffPost in an interview in July.

Others say that even some of the basic symptoms appear more intensely as BA.5 spreads. In a July interview withThe temperature,,Joseph Khabbaza, MD, pulmonary doctor and intensive care at the Cleveland Clinic, said he saw an increase in patients reporting painful congestion of sinuses and ailments seriously ill -compared to streptococcus.

But even if the virus is starting to look like more familiar diseases, this still seriously affects some patients. "If you speak to the average person cocovated, many will tell you that it is the most sick that they have ever been without going to the hospital,"David Soules, Director of the COVVI-19 intervention team at the University of California in Irvine, told HuffPost.

Here's how you can treat some of the most common symptoms of BA.5.

woman, fallen ill is staying at home wrapped in a blanket socially distancing and quarantining herself, feeling her throat hurt and being sore, having a cup of hot tea

Even if the last subvariant can be new, the symptoms it causes are not unknown to most people. Doctors say they treat some of the mostBa.5 common common It could be as simple as looking for basic remedies for help, especially to take care of a sore throat.

"The best approaches are generally what grandmother would advise", "Michelle Pockett, MD, a pulmonology and intensive care specialist at Northwestern Medicine, toldThe temperature. She advises to take many fluids to stay hydrated to help reduce inflammation in the throat. She also recommends gargotting a solution of hot salt water several times a day to help relieve pain. In addition, she recommends that patients can manage other symptoms by taking over the counter cold drugs.

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