7 plants that you can buy which are in fact dangerous invasive species

Avoid these selections during your next trip to the Garden Center.

Take plants and shrubsFor your garden is exciting, especially if you like to spend time outside or have a green thumb. Even thus, head for garden centers or the nursery can be overwhelming, with so many options to choose, considering the size, shape, color and sunlight. But plant experts have a strategy that will help you reduce your search, because some plants for sale are in fact dangerous invasive species.

According to the forest service of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), invasive species are those which are not native for aSome ecosystems and whose introduction "is likely to cause economic or environmental damage or damage to human health". These plant varieties can constitute a threat to surrounding fauna, some even disturbing the basics of your home.

You might ask yourself: "Why would the garden centers sell these plants if they know that they can harm?" AccordingCharles Van Rees, PHD, conservation scientist, naturalist and founder of theGulo in nature Blog, they don't do it on purpose.

"Horticulture and gardening industries accidentally sell invasive species," explains Van ReesBetter life. He adds that different factors affect this "invasive" designation, including how much a plant is reproduced, how it develops and that it feeds or disturbs other plants.

In addition, according to Van Rees, if one of these plants is introduced into an environment that has a similar species, "it is unlikely that this causes a splash". Problems arise when the native ecosystem has not "seen" this species before and does not have the defenses or the "parties" to work alongside the new addition, he explains. "It can be really confusing for horticulturalists and plant merchants, causing damage when they absolutely do not mean."

Given this information, the best way to keep your court and the surrounding environment is to be aware of certain invasive species available for purchase. As a bonus, with a higher demand for native species, "we can make a major step towards a lasting future", explains Van Rees. Read the rest to discover the 7 plants you want to avoid buying during your next trip to the Garden Center.

Read this then:If you have this tree in your yard, kill it and cut it, experts warn.


bamboo growing in yard
Chomipoo / Shutterstock

Bamboo was the most common answer of experts when asked byBetter life on the invasive species to avoid, andgolden bamboo (Phyllostachys Aurea) is in fact classified as an earthly invasive by the Information Center on Invasive Species of the USDA. Generally sold in garden centers, the real problem with bamboo is its talent for growth and spread.

"Bamboo is a preferred crowd to use in design, but it is also considered one of the most invasive plants in the world", "Jason White, professional gardener and CEO ofEverything about gardeningExplain. "It is undeniable that its thin shape would make a beautiful screen, but it will turn into a disaster in the garden in no time because the plant has a very drastic growth that makes it difficult to maintain."

Bamboo germs can reach a foot in a single day, says White, and its roots have an additional problem, because they "can easily travel at 20 feet deeper from the original tuft".

If you are tempted to invest in bamboo, you may want to think twice. "Avoid buying bamboo at all costs if you don't want a maintenance nightmare in your suburban space," says White.


butterfly bush
Dirk M. de Boer / Shutterstock

Butfly Bush is commonly sold in garden centers, but it isNon-nest in the United States And can replace native shrubs in the surrounding areas, according to the Brandywine Conservancy. In addition, unlike its name, the invasive butterfly bush (Buddleja Davidii) will not do much to invite the butterflies to your courtyard, says Van Rees.

"Everyone buys it because it attracts butterflies, but not only does this plant disrupt indigenous ecosystems when it spreads alone, but it is really not great for butterflies," he explains. "My butterfly scientific colleagues consider him" junk food "which gives a quick boost but not lasting nutrition."

Butterflies can then choose to feed on the butterfly bush as opposed to other "healthier alternatives", adds Van Rees. He says that planting a variety of wild flowers is a more effective strategy.

"A particularly great place forStarting is with masters of Asclepia, which support a wide variety of fresh fauna that will not affect the rest of your garden,and Support a lot of butterflies, including monarchs, "said Van ReesBetter life.

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English ivy

english ivy
Lialina / Shutterstock

You have probably seen English Ivy (Hedera Helix) Croissant on houses, adding decoration to trellis. But plant experts say you should be wary of buying this climbing beauty because it can do more harm than good.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"It can strangle large trees and surpass the native vines which are super important for beautiful migratory birds, hummingbirds, butterflies and many other important species," explains Van Rees.

AccordingBrody Hall, certified horticulturalist, certified ecologist and land director, and co-founderThe inner nursery, English Ivy is invasive in Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia and Virginia-Western.

In addition to stifling other plants, Hall says that it can cause skin irritation for humans.Jen Stark,,master gardener And the founder of Happy Diy Home, also declares that this form of ivy "houses many pests and diseases, who can then spread to the host factory".

Japanese honeysuckle

japanese honeysuckle
Rainbow008 / Shutterstock

Particularly popular on the east coast, another invasive plant that you need to jump to the Garden Center is the Japanese honeysuckle (Loninera Japanica).

"This feared climber will suffocate everything on his way,"Vera Kutsenko,,nature passionate And the founder and CEO of the Garden online Home Garden and Lawn Marketplace Neverland, explains. These plants grow quickly, reaching 15 to 30 feet in length, and their roots also spread at a rapid pace.

"This creates a hostile network of creeping roots that stifle all the foliage on its way, which makes it difficult to control," explains Kutsenko. "If you already have it in your courtyard or garden, you must constantly cut its roots and its growth rod."

Read this then:If you see this flower in your courtyard, immediately call local managers.

Purpre Purpre

purple loosestrife
Anna Gratys / Shutterstock

This flower plant can be pretty, but it is invasive in each American state, except Florida, according to Hall. Introduced for the first time in the 1800s, Purple Loosestrife isOriginally from Eurasia, according to the USDA.

The plant "surpasses the native plants that grow along the sides of the banks," he said, adding that if these plants are consumed, they can "cause diarrhea and menstrual problems".

The purple Loosestrife also has an impact on the populations of birds and butterflies and is "a very heavy feeder",Charlotte Bailey, MSC, horticulturalist ofSpecialized factory website Oh so Garden, tellsBetter life. As a result, other species have fewer nutrients to eat.

Chinese and Japanese private

chinese privet
Tanya Consaul Photography / Shutterstock

You could inadvertently buy Chinese privet (Ligustrum Sinense) or the Japanese Pèleole (Ligustrum Japanicum) To line your court, because it is generally for sale, but Van Reese advises.

"This thing ruins the habitats of the river throughout the southeast of the United States," he said. "These are beautiful hedges plants requiring little maintenance and are largely sold, but they quickly take over and destroy the riparian forest of the plains because they do not have natural predators here."

According to the Clemson College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Science, theChinese Privet, in particular, "is an aggressive and embarrassing shrub," producing thickets which "effectively suffocate" surrounding the native plants.

Read this then:If you have this tree in your courtyard, cut it now, those responsible warn.


periwinkle flowers
Ksuha Shcerbakova / Shutterstock

Often sold as a nice ground cover,common perwinkle (Vinca minor) develops in "dense" mats, which allows it to "effectively move woody and herbaceous species", explains Bailey.

You may not realize that this pretty flower - extended for its color - could create a problem for your garden, but it is invasive in most parts of the United States, says HallBetter life.

It is also toxic to certain animals, he adds, and is dangerous for areas by the water (or residents), because it can overcome native plants and "modify the hydrological movement of the sailors".

Depending on the gardening of Buffalo-Niagara, common periwinks can easilypropagate outside your garden, and experts rather recommend choosing a native soil cover.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Garden / News / plants
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