5 things that people thought they were good for their health (before you know better)

All of this has proven to be major health risks.

Like fashion modes,Health trends Go ahead and go - often letting us ask us how we could have been so blind. But unlike a regrettable fashion moment, health errors can have serious consequences that last long after we learned our mistakes. In fact, throughout the distant history (and even relatively recent!), People have been dupped to believe all kinds of dubious health advice. Read the rest to find out more about five shocking things than people thought they were good for their health, before seeing the error of their paths.

Read this then:The 6 most intelligent heart health issues to ask your doctor.

Put heroin in syrup against cough

Woman Holding a Spoon with Cough Syrup Most Abused OTC Medications

The heroine is now unequivocal known as an illicit substance that harms our health, but believe it or not, she was initially popularized as a treatment against cough and prescribed by doctors.

"A century ago, scientists from a German pharmaceutical company studied a chemical modification of morphine which made it more pleasant to taste as a cough suppressor," explainsYale Medicine Magazine. This "modification" wasThe introduction of heroin. "Although this worked against cough caused by serious and then common diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia, doctors and pharmacists quickly noticed an unhappy side effect - patients required ever greater doses and more In addition dependent on the elixir. In 1912, he had emerged as being emerged as being emerged as being emerged as being emerged as a recreational medication in young men in New York. Two years later, drug addicts were struck by Hospitals in New York and Philadelphia in search of treatment, "write Yale experts.

Use of tobacco products

cigarettes in ashtray, skin cancer facts

Tobacco has been unleashed in the United States for thousands of years and in the 1800s, the first cigarette roll machine was invented. But it was only in the 1920s that the public began to think of smoking as a choice concerned with his health, thanks toAdvertisements published by large tobacco companies And the doctors they have enlisted to promote their products. Despite smoking andlung cancer The prices increased in tandem, the public was not aware of the link between the two at the time.

"Tobacco companies have imagined slogans such as" not a single case of throat irritation with camels "; Then, to justify their advertising allegations, the marketing departments sought flexible doctors to lead a well -off -compensated pseudoscientific research, which invariably found the cigarettes of the sponsored company "" "Robert Jackler, MD, Professor Edward C. and Amy H. Sewall in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology tells theStanford Medicine News Center. "Companies have managed to influence these doctors not only to promoteThe idea that smoking was healthy, but in fact to recommend it as a treatment for throat irritation, "he explains.

Eat "fat -free" foods with chemical additives


No, we are not talking about fruits and vegetables, which tend to be naturally fat and ideal for your body. We are talking about engineering fat -free snacks, which was all the rage in the 80s and 90s.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

If it is true that complete foods such as eggs and butter can increase your LDL cholesterol when consumed in excess, many of these current ingredients have been replaced bychemicals and added sugar, experts say. "The ingredients of fatty cookies like butter and eggs add a lot of flavor," wrote the team toHow does things work. "To compensate for the lack of flavor when these items are not used, manufacturers add additional spices and much more sugar to encourage us not to notice the missing fat."

Now considered generally unhealthy, these products are also full of certain surprising additives. "To deal with texture problems, manufacturers will add food binders such as gums and starchs and also water. However, due to the addition of water, these fat -free products are not as stable, therefore The surfactants and emulsifiers such as mono- and diglycerides (cousins ​​close to fats, which are triglycerides) must also be added: "Their experts write.

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Use mercury as a syphilis treatment


From the 17th to the 19th century - before the discovery of penicillin in 1928 - of the dominants used to prescribeMercury as a syphilis treatment, say itPharmaceutical Journal. This was taken orally, injected or applied in the form of a balm on the skin.

Of course, as we know now, direct exposure to mercury can damage the brain, kidneys, liver, nervous system, immune system, etc. Those who have not died of unspeakable syphilis often succumbed to mercury poisoning over time.

Sun tanning

Sensuous slim woman applying suntan lotion oil to her body at the beach

To date, there are still tanning faithful who believe that unprotected sun exposure offers "healthy glow", but most people now know that tanning can cause serious health complications .

"" Sun exposure Or spend time in tanning stands has many worried health experts: it damages the skin and increases the risk of skin cancer, "say experts from Harvard Health Publishing . "The risk increases if the tan leads to a sunburn - according to the American Academy of Dermatology, a single blistering sun can almost double its risk of melanoma, the most fatal shape of skin cancer. It is therefore Ironic that one of the reasons why TAN is to look healthier, "notes the point of sale.

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