6 children's whims that cannot be closed by your eyes

In modern society, it is customary not to limit the freedom of the child. However, not all the tricks of children need to close your eyes!

In modern society, it is customary not to limit the freedom of the child. However, not all the tricks of children need to close your eyes! Here are some points.

1. The child is rude

When the child begins to be rude and use non -normative vocabulary, you need to figure out where he heard such words. Perhaps he learned this at home. During quarrels, parents often allow insults. If so, then mom and dad must be explained to the child that this is bad and you cannot do so. That they made a mistake and no more likely will happen again. Naturally, the promise should be fulfilled.

2. It shows aggression

Worst of all, when the child begins to show physical aggression: bite, beat his head against the wall, wave his arms and legs and even harm others. The main rule is not to respond with a blow to the blow. Otherwise, this behavior will be fixed in a child. First of all, the parent should be an example to follow. Wait for the child to calm down and calmly explain to him what the consequences of this behavior may be. Otherwise, he will constantly behave so much that he will greatly complicate the lives of loved ones.

3. Constantly interrupting

Everyone knows that interrupting someone else's conversation ugly. It is necessary to tell the baby about this and try to take him in some business if he is still trying to break the ban. When you have free time, you must definitely call the child and give him the opportunity to speak out. If you do not stop such a habit in time, it will not disappear anywhere. Most likely, the child will not learn to be a good listener, which is very important for building relationships in society.

4. pretends not to hear

Sometimes the child pretends not to hear the requests of his parents, and simply ignores them. The best tactic is to talk to him, maintaining visual contact. If it is distracted by gadgets, put them on a pause. No need to threaten and roll scandals, it will only aggravate the situation. If such tactics do not help, you need to proceed to constructive punishments.

5. Rolls tantrums

A child usually uses tears, screams and hysteria to fulfill his own desires. It is important to make it clear to the baby that such behavior will not bring the desired results and do not spend your strength on it. It is extremely important not to leave the child alone in a state of hysteria. He can simply be scared, but not draw the right conclusions.

6. Deceives

The child begins to resort to deception from a very early age. At first, he probes the soil, trying to understand how far he is allowed to go. If no one objects, then you can continue further. The task of parents to stop such behavior and teach the child to bear responsibility for their words.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: child education / /
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