These 6 artists are back to the ex and end up getting married!

These artists decided to return with the ex. Maybe the term is cool, old love blossomed again!

The love affair must be colored with conflict and tempest, if the conflict does not go up to, often it ends in a breakup. Even so, these artists decided to return with the ex. Maybe the term is cool, old love blossomed again! Wow, anyone's artist? Did they move to the marriage level? Come on, immediatelyscrollbelow!

1. Titi KamaldAn Christian Sugiono

In the first list there are artist couples Titi Kamal and Christian Sugiono who are currently married and are blessed with a baby. As we know the family of this artist is far from slanted news about the household, even they look more harmonious and intimate. But who would have thought if they experienced a decrease before marriage!

Before officially married, the couple Titi Kamal and Christian Sugiono had been in a love affair for about 10 years. In those days, they had a long distance relationship, aka LDR. During LDR, Titi Kamal admitted that he often threw the word broken when fighting. Luckily they just broke up for a while, then returned again. Finally they were married in 2009 and lasting until now.

2. Nikita WillydAn Indra Priawan

In addition to the couple Titi Kamal and Christian Sugiono, it turns out that Nikita Willy also broke up with Indra Priawan you know before marriage! How is the story? So in the past they were dating for a long time, about 4 years. Well, because they felt too long dating, they finally decided to break up.

But after breaking up, they later realized that they could not live alone. Finally they decided to get married in 2020 ago. Nikita also had a chance to confide if they decided to get married after returning to avoid adultery and want to be more bound.

3. Bebi RomeodAn Meisya Siregar

Furthermore, there are the couple Bebi Romeo and Meisya Siregar who were married in 2004. It turned out that their love journey was quite long and winding. How not, Bebi and Meisya had a breakup for more than a year, even Meisya to marry another man!

So it turned out that when Meisya and Bebi Romeo had a romance, Meisya also had an affair with another man. The condition was known from Bebi from the beginning, even he seemed to be the second man, because Meisya had already dated another man. In the middle of the road, it turned out that Meisya preferred to run with the man, rather than with Bebi Romeo.

As a result Bebi Romeo was very sad because he was left behind, and succeeded in creating songsdisturbed Like the "last flower", "recalls", and others. But Meisya Siregar's marriage did not last long, only lasted about 1 year and 8 months. Hearing the news, Bebi Romeo was immediately excited andfull speedapproaching Meisya Siregar. Finally Bebi managed to invite Meisya to get married in 2004!

4.Dwi SasonodanWidi Mulia

Have you ever watched the soap opera comedy situation "Neighbors like that?" who aired on the net? Yes, the show stars famous artists including Dwi Sasono. This man from Surabaya is married to beautiful artist Widi Mulia Sunarya, a famous singer and artist, and is a member of the music group "Be3".

It turned out that the love journey of Dwi Sasono and Widi Mulia was also quite winding. The reason is, they have been in a romance since high school, but ended up raining after graduating because they had to continue their higher education in different locations. After 13 years of breaking up, they finally met again and decided to return. Finally they decided to get married in 2007.

5. Al GhazalidanAlyssa Daguise

On the fifth list there are the couple Al Ghazali and Alyssa Daguise. It turns out that these two lovebirds have officially established a romance since 2015 you know. But apparently in 2020, there was news that they officially broke up. Even Al's photos were deleted from Alyssa Instagram, and vice versa!

But fortunately Al Ghazali and Alyssa Daguise managed to overcome the problem of the relationship and decided to return. This was reported directly by the two of them in Instagram posts. Al Ghazali also reported through a press conference, "Breetings because we already know each other. So we feel, why don't we strengthen anymore. "

"Because Alyssa already knows I'm really. Whatever Alyssa has accepted, not all girls accept that, "Al said to the press. He also said he wanted to propose Alyssa Daguise at the age of 25. Come on, pray for it smoothly and end up happily!

6. Melody ex jkt48danHanif Fathoni

Furthermore, there are couples who have been married since 2018, namely Melody former JKT48 and Hanif Fathoni. The woman whose full name is Melody Nurramdhani Laksani is a member of the first generation JKT48 and is very famous for being predicted as JKT48's "face".

It turned out that the woman who was familiarly called Melody had been in a romance with a man named Hanif Fathoni since high school. But their romance ran aground in the middle of the road due to internal and external problems. Especially at that time there were regulations in JKT48 which forbade their members to date.

Melody and Hanif met again around 2016, where they were still in love with each other. But because at that time Melody still joined JKT48, he wanted Hanif to marry him immediately instead of dating. Finally Hanif managed to propose Melody on November 3, 2018 ago.

Well, that's 6 artists who had a breakup, but managed to return to return with the ex. Some managed to get married and far from slanted news until now and some are still struggling to get married. What about your love story? Do you have a story similar to the row of artists above? Come on, tell us through the comments column below.

Categories: Entertainment
Tags: / / / / / / Indra Priawan / / / Nikita Willy / /
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