This common infection is the n ° 1 risk factor in stomach cancer, says the study

Half of us are infected with this Cancian bacteria.

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is a rare disease that newly affects more than 26,000 patients each year. Often taken in its subsequent steps, it is consideredA fatal disease. However, experts say that a risk factor - a current underlying condition that many of us have - could considerably increase the chances of developing ulcers and gastric cancer. By treating it, you may be able to reduce your risks.

Read the continuation to learn the risk factor number one in stomach cancer and why half of the world's population can be at increased risks.

Read this then:It is the n ° 1 of the symptoms of colon cancer that people ignore, predict doctors.

Many risk factors can increase your risk of stomach cancer.

Doctor and Patient talking

Stomach cancer generally begins in the stomach mucosa, "when a cell in the stomachdevelops changes in its DNA, "Explains the Mayo clinic." The DNA of a cell contains the instructions that say to the cell what to do. Changes tell the cell to grow quickly and continue to live when healthy cells die. The accumulated cells form a tumor that can invade and destroy healthy tissues. Over time, cells can separate and propagate (metastasser) to other areas of the body, "say their experts.

Factors that can increase your risk of stomach cancer include obesity, gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis and family history of stomach cancer. In addition, some lifestyle choices can also play a role. These include smoking, as well as eating a diet rich in savory or smoked or weak foods in fruits and vegetables.

This is the number one risk factor in stomach cancer.

Man talking to doctor about being screened for diabetes

Although one of the above factors can increase your risk of stomach cancer, a factor is considered the most important contributory factor. BeingbacteriaHelicobacter pylori (H. pylori) "is the most strong risk factor in gastric cancer, which is the second cause of death -related deaths in the world." Explains a 2010 study in the journalClinical microbiology journals (CMS).AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Have aH. pylori Infection does not mean that you will necessarily develop stomach cancer or any other disease. In fact, "around 50% of the world's population" was colonized by this gastric bacteria, according to the study, and only a small percentage continues to develop stomach cancer.

However, if it is not treated, the body's immune system is unable to fight this particular infection in itself. "OnceH. pylori Colonizes the gastric environment, he persists during the lifespan of the host, suggesting that the host's immune response is ineffective to clean this bacteria, ”write the authors of the study.

This is how it causes cancer, say the experts.

Abdominal pain patient woman having medical exam with doctor on illness from stomach cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, pelvic discomfort, Indigestion, Diarrhea, GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease)

In those who develop cancer resulting from aH. pylori Infection, experts say that inflammation is often to blame. "The entire risk of stomach cancer process associated withH. pylori is that of inflammation, "writesPatrick Lynch, MD, gastroenterologist in internal medicine at the University of TexasMD Anderson Cancer Center. "WithH. pylori, you have an infection, which causes inflammation, then healing, then more inflammation. Over time, this cycle of regeneration of constant cells can cause errorstake cancer. ""

"The majority of colonized individuals develop coexisting chronic inflammation",CMS The study corroborates, noting that "long -term transport ofH. pylori Considerably increases the risk of developing diseases specific to the site. ""

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Follow these steps to manage your risks.

Person washing their hands in a sink

Several things can helpprevent an infection at H. pylori, including washing regularly hands (especially when preparing food), maintaining appropriate nutrition to prevent iron anemia and eating more cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage, say that Experts from the College of Public Health at the University of Arizona.

If you encounter chronic gastrointestinal problems, in particular indigestion, stomach pain, bloating or persistent desire to shorten, ask your doctor to detect H. pylori . If you are diagnosed, your doctor will discuss Possible treatment lessons , which can be made up of antibiotics, acid blockers and histamine blockers.

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