How to age with beauty: tips for choosing clothes and makeup from 40
Who said that beauty cannot be maintained after 40? We banister myths to look radiant regardless of age.

Being radiant and feeling good with the same does not have to do at all with age. Today we bring you a few fashion and beauty tips to show off the years in all its splendor.
Be yourself.
What a advice! But it goes far beyond what it seems. Facing years is something natural, inevitable and a reason for celebration. If you want to change your appearance, do it, but not for conventions or topics of age, but because you really want to do it.
The appearance of gray hair are one of the most frequent signs of the years. Currently, wearing them is a trend, there are even women who do not have and dye their hair to simulate their color. Perfect! If you feel good by combing gray hair, it is your choice and surely radiant lights.

Start taking care of your skin (if you don't do it).
The skin is one of the most obvious indicators of the passage of time. Caring for it is essential at any stage of life, but especially as the years go by. That the wrinkle is beautiful is a truth like a temple, but it is also necessary to protect us especially from the sun and monitor those spots that come out both in the face and other parts of the body.

Hydration is fundamental in certain stages of life and there is a complete range of generic products and specific body parts, such as face. And if wrinkles are not yours, you can try to minimize them with the incredible variety of treatments to do so that they can be found in the market.

Be true to your style.
It doesn't matter the years you turn: nobody better than you to decide what feels best for you. If you like to dress modern, keep doing it. Who says you have to change style to turn years?
Fashion is not age, so put on what you like and feel like it on each occasion. You marked the style. If you are miniskirts, why are you going to give up a garment that you like and adapts to your way of dressing? Age is just a figure, how the living is just your thing.

If you are one of those who do not hesitate to make the song "Forever Young" (young forever), keep your youthful style regardless of what you put in your identity card. And if, on the contrary, you are more classic and consider that you are no longer old according to what garments, because it is also correct. Your closet, your rules.
Some "fashion manuals" or similar do not advise to wear short skirts or necklines from a certain age, a limit that is usually established in the 40. We are realistic and aware that we are in the 21st century. Each woman must dress how she felt like it at all times, keeping style standards in certain acts and events.

Take care of your diet
Another basic and totally timeless advice. We use the Manido "We are what we eat", something that makes special importance over the years. Following a balanced and varied diet is important at any age, but over the years it becomes a pressing need.
A diet rich in antioxidants will help you have a more careful and youthful appearance, in addition to preventing certain pathologies and being a great ally during and after menopause.

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