The thing n ° 1 attracting mosquitoes in your courtyard

You can easily eliminate it for a summer without parasites.

There are so many incredible things about summer-BBQ, swimming pool and picnic celebrations, to name only a few. But every year, mosquitoes go, threatening to ruin our good time. Not onlytransmit serious illnesses and viruses, like malaria, dengue, zika and Western Nile. Just say that you want to keep them away from your house as best you can. Read the rest to discover the first thing that experts in antiparasitic control attract mosquitoes in your court. By eliminating it, you will prepare for a summer without a mosquito.

Read this then:If you see this bug in your home, call an exterminator immediately.

Statutory water can attract mosquitoes to your court.

standing water puddle rain boots

If there is one thing that you should be a diligent to remove from your court to avoid mosquitoes, it is stagnant water. "Mosquitoes are attracted to stagnant water because it is a stable environment where their eggs can develop and hatch", explainsDiana Ludwiczak,,NYC certified bedbug inspector and pests and the founder of Doctor Sniffs Bed Bug Dogs. "The larvae need water still to survive, so that the standing water pools are ideal breeding grounds."

According to the Northern Caroline -based pest management company, Terminix Triad, they can "lay their eggs In as little as a bottle of bottle water. "Adult mosquitoes are also able to rest on motionless water, which means that these areas meet all the basic needs of mosquitoes.

Water on the stagnant plane can be present in places you may not expect.

bird bath

When you imagine standing water, you can imagine dirty puddles and damp tarpaulins. However, experts in the fight against pests say that water can accumulate in many other areas. "Interesting sources of stagnant water can be children's pools, sand lids upside down, bird baths, old tires, old or non -functional rain gutters, water collection items of rain, garden toys, toys left in the rain, swimming pools and dives in the rainwater patios or floor where the water can be common, "saidMegan WEDE,,Pest-Control Company co-owner Make good pest solutions.

Terminix Triad explains that another very common place where stagnant water is gathered is in obstructed gutters. "When the leaves and twigs are allowed to come together and obstruct drains, gutters and drainage pipes," she explains, he explains the water. Not only does it offer mosquitoes a pleasant and humid setting, but theylike to take refuge In this type of debris because it protects them from the wind.

Read this then:It is the most hated insect in the United States, shows the new survey.

Prevent stagnant water like this.

man spraying Insecticide on plants, who wants to be a millionaire

It seems obvious, but the scanner regularly for stagnant water is one of the simplest ways to prevent it. "Be aware of where you place your outdoor furniture or take things when it rains," says Wede. "You would be surprised to see how many children's toys can collect water, so cleaning before precipitation is a big tip." For articles that are generally allowed to be lying (such as trash cover and grill covers), Terminix Triad suggests drilling a hole in the bottom "so that the water is able to flow when it rains".

Machines that move water - like a fountain for your bird bath - can help, because mosquitoes do not like eggs in moving water.Thomas Dobrinska, aCertified council entomologist With the fight against Ehrlich pests, also suggests measures such as the maintenance of grasses and the use of oscillating fans during outdoor rallies during the mosquito season. Finally, an insecticide or a natural mosquito with a residual effect of several weeks could be suitable for areas that are not intended for children, pets or birds and welcome animals.

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Try this as a last resort.

concerned older man on phone
Prostock-Studio / Shutterstock

If you have taken these measures and still have a Mosquito problem , it's time to call the big cannons. "Consult a professional from the antiparasitic control who can provide applications, larvicider if necessary, and provide comments on the best way to keep your property without a mosquito," explains Dobrinska. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In addition, strong infestation may indicate a problem on the city level. "In these cases, please contact your local municipality," advises Dobrinska. "They can have plans for larvions and adults at a wider level."

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Tags: Garden / Home / News / / summer
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