Your most unlucky month, depending on your zodiac sign

Mark your calendar! It's your worst month of the year, according to an astrologer.

There are certain periods of the year which, for any reason, tend to feelfortuitous than the others. Although some people can face it with coincidence, others believe that astrology has a major influence over the lucky months and which are almost catastrophic. And although, yes, sometimes things do not go in our direction, understand how the calendar harmonizes with your horoscope allows you to use these difficult months as a chance to see life under a new perspective. Read the rest to find out more in your most unhappy month depending on your zodiac sign.

RELATED:Your luckiest day of the year, according to your zodiac sign.

Lauren Ash is an astrologer and writer of entertainment of celebrities based in Saint-Louis. You canFollow her on Twitter or subscribe to his blog formonthly horoscopes and cosmic guidance.

Aries: September

man looking at phone.

As the first sign of the zodiac, the ram wantsPassion and exploration In all areas of life. Directed by Energy Mars, you like novelty and novelty. Spring is time to shine because it is the season of the new beginnings. When you are in your element, there is nothing in the world that can stop you, which is why the slow and methodical energy of the Virgin season always seems to send your plans to stop in September.

Virgo Energy focuses less on passion and inspiration and more on structure and small details. And although it is great qualities to build something that lasts, you tend to find it more tedious than it is worth.

Taurus: August

woman with tension headache sitting at desk
Shutterstock / photoroyalty

You are of the responsible, warm and determined type, bull. As a sign of the earth, you are more interested in building things that last and reflect your values. During your season, it is easier to block the noise around you and get things done. However, you tend to find it difficult to focus once summer is becoming hot and the Leo season is coming.

The rapid and loose energy that August is can be a little overwhelming for your relaxed approach to life. It is easy for you to feel precipitated or overloaded during this period, forcing you to remove until the quieter energy returns. GratefulYour stubborn side And try to overcome this can be useful during this month.

Read this then:Your celebrity love match based on your zodiac sign.

Gemini: March

upset woman sitting on couch

You are spontaneous and fun, Gemini, and you want to enjoy every moment as if it was your last. Always go out and meet new people, you areA social connector Who likes to get out of your comfort zone. As a sign of mutable air, the perfect period of the year for you just falls between spring and summer when everyone is delighted to go out and adventure. This hot period of the year makes you come to life, unlike the fish season.

The sentimental and emotional energy of Mars can leave you more melancholy and weighs down than usual, so maybe it is better to keep your social calendar a little lighter than normal during these 30 days.

Cancer: October

Olena Yakobchuk / Shutterstock

You tend to prosper positively during the warmer periods of the year, the heat of summer encouraging you to get out of your shell and to socialize. On the other hand, the cooling of the seasons can cause your mood with the temperature.

The balance season tends to be a difficult period of the year for you, emphasizing balance and refocusing priorities leaving you unstable. As the sign led by intuitive, sentimental andemotional moon, you hate being checked. You are not the type to embrace the change with open arms, which is why October always seems to reduce your mood.

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Leo: January

white man in snow with jacket pulled up over his face

The sun is in its natural house in the sign of Leo. You are known for your ability to attract attention and easily load those around you. It is therefore perfectly logical that yourCreative and dynamic energy Placing the best when it is hot outside outside during the summer. You are certainly one to absorb the energy, laughter and camaraderie that Leo Season offers.

Alternatively, it is more difficult for you to keep the party in progress once the quick and cold winter months will pass. January in particular - by emphasizing the structure, the construction of routines and the installation of nose on the mill - can put a shock absorber on your free style. As a sign of fire, you find that the unwavering pragmatism of the Capricorn season is a little disappointing.

Virgin: December

Woman looking upset and sad next to a Christmas tree

Practical and diligent, you prosperate when the air is clear and cools in early fall. After months to bask and enjoy your free time, you like attention to attention,ordered and concentrated energy This fall brings with it.

On the other hand, there is something in the chaotic energy of the holidays, and the season of Sagittarius in particular, which sends you in a frenzy. It is perhaps the fact that you are always the one who has stuck the details, or that it could be the non-stop action that leaves you annihilated. Anyway, December is a time of year when you tend to feel overwhelmed and underestimated.

Read this then:How you act in love, depending on your zodiac sign.

Balance: November

Annoyed worker on his phone

As an amateur of all luxurious and beautiful things, you like to have your cake and eat it too. You are looking for balance and excitement, so you like the beginning of fall, just around your birthday, whenEverything seems easy and windy. As a sign led by indulgent and romantic Venus, you like to make sure to make the most of life.

In comparison, the Scorpion season often leads to your mood. This time of year is more emotional than the one you are used to, and in turn, you can get out of your element. As a person who prefers to float above the fray, November lets you weigh down and overwhelmed.

Scorpion: February

impatient woman
Motorcycle / Shutterstock movies

You are a bitmysterious and difficult to read, Scorpion, but under your difficult exterior is a soff that follows their hearts. You are very faithful, committed and faithful with regard to your relationships, and you are not afraid to dig into the deep and dark emotions that help you connect with people. You are looking to build something that lasts, what you understand about planning. For this reason, you find it difficult to feel like you during the Aquarius season.

Aquarius is a sign of intellectual air, governed by the planet of the Uranus rebellion, which constantly disputes the status quo. And although you love the romanticism in which February inaugurates, you find the unpredictable and changing energy of the stressful month.

Read this then:The sign of the zodiac you should be the best friends based on compatibility.

Sagittarius: May

An angry and sad couple after quarrel sitting in cafe

You are an adventurer, the Sagittarius. TheSpontaneous and funny Fire in your prosperous heart during the moments when you feel free to express yourself. There is something in the magic of winter and the promise of a new year that excites you and delights you. The energy of sagittarius is often great and daring, and you are the type of person who is still looking for his next big thrill.

The energy of the Taurus season, however, can bring you down. The bull needs patience and practicality, two things with which you are not the best. You prefer to continue the new adventure a lot attracts your attention, rather than being stuck in the same place for too long. So when the month of May takes place, you tend to drive under the covers and wait for it to pass.

Capricorn: April

Angry woman talking on smart phone on street. Wears casual clothes.

Ambitious, persistent and wise, you like networking and climbing the social scale, Capricorn. You are the type that gives you an eye on the price and thenWorks tirelessly to achieve your goals. It seems that nothing can hold you on your way until the ram season takes place.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

The ram is daring and direct with their intentions (they are the sign of the stubborn RAM), while you are cooler and reserved. Capricorn is governed by Saturn, the planet of wisdom, which could be one of the reasons why you like to think before acting. On the other hand, Aries is governed by passionate Mars, which requires rapid action and passion. At the end of the day, you know it takes time to build the life of your dreams. Thus, although the daring and ambitious energy of the ram season can inspire you to work harder, the non-stop rhythm of April tends to let you exhausted.

Read this then:The ice cream that you should order according to your zodiac sign.

Aquarius: July

young black and asian women arguing outdoors in front of red building
Shutterstock / GaretsWorkshop

You are a Rebel, Aquarius. There is something in the way you move in life that always seems to go against the status quo. When you are in your element,Your ready -to -use approach To solve problems, it's inspiration. However, you need freedom to flex your creativity to do your best, and July always looks like strong pressure on your freedom.

The bad humor and emotional vibrations of the cancer season may seem like an obstacle to your normally optimistic energy. Although you like the social calendar full of action, the summer months tend to bring, July can leave you exhausted and exceeded if you are not careful.

Fish: June

female employee loses job
Fizkes / Shutterstock

Fish is the last sign of the zodiac, and you are still looking for new horizons andLooking for a new start . The end of the year is a refreshing and reflective period for you. However, the mutable energy of your panel can let you overload if you are given too many options at the same time.

Therefore, the Gemini season and its constantly whirlwind passion can let you turn your head. It is common for you to feel a loss of clarity during this period, and you may have the impulse to throw your hands and stop. Instead, use June to think about your goals and find a new path to success.

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