If you receive a call asking you to do so, report it, the police warn

This dangerous scam has not become more common than in recent years.

Spam calls There are a penny a dozen, so most of us assume that we will know when we are dealing with someone summary at the end of the line. But the crooks know that we are on them, and we have picked up new scams and refined old techniques, which means that many Americans are not always able to determine what is real and what is false. According to the annual spam and annual scam of Truecaller Insights,68.4 million people said they had lost a total of $ 39.5 billion in the County Country Calls in 2021 only. Now the police alert the Americans to a telephone call that could empty your bank account. Read the rest to find out what you should listen to and make reports immediately.

Read this then:If a foreigner asks about it, make sure your doors are locked, the police warn.

Officials recently issued a number of American alerts.

police tape and police cars

The United States police services are working to ensure the safety of residents, and part of this work is to issue alerts on threats in certain areas.

In June, a Pennsylvania police service issued a warning on aGrowing number of jewelry scams Be reported by residents who said they had been approached in a parking lot by someone who tries to sell them jewelry or counterfeit watches. And just this month, the Indiana Elkhart police service alerted residents who unknowngo to their door could be part of a scam of identity deception, which has become widespread in recent weeks.

But many scams are as simple as a telephone call - and now the police in a state warn.

The police warn against a phone scam.

woman looking considered on phone

If you receive a foreigner call, you should always be alert. Depending on what you are asked, however, you may forget to be cautious.

On July 9, the section of the Department of Police Crimes of the county of Montgomery in Gaithersburg, Maryland, issued a warning concerning a series of calls for scamtarget individuals in the region From May to June. According to officials, this CON implies a crook who calls the victims claiming to be a child or a little child who is in prison and needs money to be released. The victims are invited to call a separate number once they have the money, where they are informed that a "mail" will come to their homes to recover it. But mail - which in this set of special scams in Gaithersburg wore a UPS brown type uniform - carries money and is never seen again.

"Anyone with information about this suspect or this crime is requested to call the financial crimes section," said Montgomery County police.

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This phone scam generally targets the elderly.

A senior man holding a smartphone with a concerned look on his face

According to the police department of the county of Montgomery, this scam is generally called "scam of grandparents". Indeed, it generally targets the elderly aged 70 to 90 years. From May to June, three people aged 78 to 84 were victims of this scam in Gaithersburg. Two of the oldest victims were informed that their grandsons were in prison.

"The impostor offers just enough details where and how the urgency came tomake it plausible And perhaps transforms the phone to another crook who claims to be a doctor, police or lawyer and supports history, "warns Aarp." The "little child" implores the target to wire money immediately, adding an anxious plea: "Don 'I do not say mom and dad!' ""

Officials have warned that this type of scam is increasing.

Forgetful older man upset

In 2020, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warned thatThe cocovious pandemic had broughtabout one increase In the scams of grandparents. "In these days of concern in the coronavirus, their lies can be particularly convincing", lawyer for the FTCLisa Weintraub Schifferle said to Aarp at the time. "They shoot on your heart so that they can encourage you to send money before realizing that it is a scam."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

According to the FTC, the first advice to avoid being the victim of this scam resists the desire to act immediately. According to Schifferle, you must work to verify the identity of the appellant, who includes steps such as asking questions that a foreigner could not answer, call the telephone number of the referenced family member and check the story With someone else in your circle family - even if you have been told to keep it secret.

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