Top 10 dried fruits that replace drugs

We all know that fruits are healthy and that it is advisable to consume them quite often. But what do we do in colder seasons when we can't find them? It's simple, we can try dried fruits, there is a great variety and many of them even have important properties for our health. In this article we will look at the Top 11 dried fruits that can replace the drugs.

1. Curmale

The dried curms are very sweet but contain few calories and many fibers. They strengthen immunity and recommend their consumption when we feel cool or are in depression. Curmals contain calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, many vitamins and are great for immunity.

2. apricots

Dried apricots are suitable when we have problems with blood circulation. Due to the high magnesium content, they improve our memory and help us reduce stress.

3. Plums

Another dried fruit that can replace drugs are plums. They have many organic fibers and acids that normalize tension. They are excellent for people with cardiovascular problems.

4. figs

In dry figs we find a lot of iron and vitamins A, C, B1 and B2. They help us to stimulate the activity of the digestive system and cause appetite. Because I am a very strong diuretic, figs jump into the kidneys and prevent hypertension.

5. raisins

Maybe some of the dried fruits of many of us are the raisins. Although they have a high sugar content they are very good for our cardiovascular system. Helps the normal functioning of the heart and reduce anemia.

6. cherries

They are known as a good help in removing toxins from the body. The effect occurs due to pectin and helps to bind toxic compounds and remove them from the body. In addition, the cherries also contain a lot of iron that help us when our body is in the energy on the energy side.

7. pineapple

Although less known, dry pineapple can do wonders. It helps us in digestion and eliminates inflammatory processes. Copper and potassium found in pineapple is also useful for the heart and blood vessels.

8. Mandarins

Dry tangerines help metabolism and make blood vessels more elastic. They reduce edema and stop stagnation of blood and lymph. At the same time they are very good to prevent fungal diseases.

9. Lemon

Dried lemons are a very good antiseptic. Not only helps in the case of colds, they even prevent them. They contain many mineral salts and a lot of vitamin C that helps our immune system.

10. The horns

The horns are a good diuretic remedy. Helps clean the body and are very good for people with rheumatic problems. They also have a lot of vitamin A, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

In conclusion, there are many dried fruits that can replace the drugs due to the nutritional properties. What will you try from our list in the near future?

Categories: Food and travel
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