Experts for the best virus emit a new urgent warning to anyone who has had a cochable

A new study highlights a major concern for people who have been infected with the virus.

When the pandemic started, it was shocking to learn that someone you know hadTested positive for COVVID. But two years later, it's almost more shocking to discover that someone hasnot been infected with the virus.

At the end of April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that themajority of Americans had been infected with the coronavirus by February 2022 - and he only continued to spread since then. So far there has been more than87 million Covid cases reported to the CDC. But the agency claims that the total impact of the virus probably reaches him much further, the blood tests indicating that the estimated number of infections actually exceeds 186 million. This means that even people who think they have never had a cocoan will want to take into account a recent warning of virus experts.

Read the rest to discover this new alert given to anyone who had the coronavirus.

Read this then:Dr Fauci has just said that virus experts are "very concerned".

You can be infected with COVID more than once.

A young woman blowing her nose while sick on the couch with COVID or the flu

Coronavirus is not a unique affair for everyone. Over the past two years, we have seen many people encounter continuous problems after their initial infection. The long and paxlovid long rebound and even the reinfection are not uncommon. According to the CDC, while "most individuals will haveProtection against repeated infections"After recovering from Covid, it is possible for people to get the virus several times.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"The reinfection with the virus that causes COVID-19 means that a person has been infected, recovered, then became later infected," said the CDC.

Reinfections are more common than ever.

Doctor with protection gloves doing Coronavirus nasal swab test on young female patient

It may have the impression of hearing more on reinfections now than before 2022 - and it is because you are. "If youasked me about reinfection Maybe a year and a half ago, I would tell you that I may have a patient here or there, but it is really, really rare, "Ziyad al-Ay, MD, director of the Clinical Epidemiology Center, and head of the research and education service at the ST. Louis veterans health care system, told CNN, adding that this is no longer the case.

What changed? According to the CDC, the emergence of new cocvid variants "can increase the risk of reinfection", and the current, quickly propagating the subvariants Omicron, BA.4 and BA.5 are some of the worst offenders.Peter Chin-Hong, MD, a UC San Francisco Infectious-Maladie expert, told theLos Angeles Times that the two subvariants ""Superpower is a reinfection“As they have the capacity to quickly escape existing immunity, even among those who have recently been infected with other omicron subvariants.

"What we see is an increasing number of peopleinfected With BA2 then be infected (again) after four weeks, "Andrew Robertson, The Director of Health of Australia-Westernword recently declared to, by initiate. "So maybe six to eight weeks (later), they develop a second infection, and it's almost certainly BA4 or BA5."

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People who become cottage more than once could be at risk for other health problems.

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It is not only the news that the reinfection is more common now that should concern people who have already been infected with the virus. A new study published in pre -printingNature walletI found that there could bedangerous health risks Associated with the capture of the trash more than once. Study researchers used health files of more than 5.6 million people dealt with in the health system will compare patients who had only infection coded to those who had two or more infections reported .

According to the study, the people who had been infected by Covid more than once had double the risk of death and tripled the risk of hospitalization within six months of their last infection, compared to those who had had that a unique cocovio case. Researchers also found that these people had a higher risk of developing new sustainable health conditions, such as pulmonary and heart problems, fatigue, digestive and renal disorders, diabetes and neurological problems.

Experts say that this observation goes against what many survivors wearing.

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No one wants to be comfortable more than once, but many people assume that if they have survived their first fight with the virus, they will go well if they start it again. "There is this idea that if you had to give birth before, your immune system is trained to recognize it and is more equipped to fight it, and if you hold it back, maybe it does not affect you as much, but It is not really true, "Al-Ay, who led the study, told CNN. "The most relevant question for people's life is, if you are reinfected, this adds to your risk of acute and long -term complications? And the answer is a yes and yes."

According to the study, the risk of a new health problem increases with each reinfection to the subsequent covid, and this risk of continuous climbing is present even for those who have been vaccinated. But Al-Ay noted that it was more common to see reinfections between people who already had existing health risks due to their age or other underlying health problems. "It is possible that more sick individuals or people with immune dysfunction are more at risk of reinfection and unwanted health results after reinfection," he told CNN.

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