If you feel numbness here, go to the emergency room, experts warn

If it is not treated, this condition can cause paralysis.

Feeling pain in any part of your body is generally a fairly clear signalSomething needs medical care. The numbness, on the other hand, can be a little more ambiguous and easier to reject. However, experts warn that there are some types of numbness that may indicate serious medical conditions, including one that could suggest an emergency requiring emergency trip and surgical procedure. Read the rest to know why the experience of numbness in a particular field of your body can constitute a major medical crisis - and why you must act quickly if that happens to you.

Read this then:Never ignore the pain in this part of the body, warn the experts.

Numbness can report a serious health problem.

man with upper arm pain after vaccine
Shutterstock / Anut21ng Photo

Temporarynumbness or neuropathy Only suggests a medical emergency occasion, but it is important to recognize the dangerous symptoms if they occur. For example, if you feel numb on your face, it is important to quickly exclude a stroke before considering other possibilities. Likewise, numbness in the arms can sometimes report a heart attack or a stroke, which means that a rapid emergency assessment could be wild.

However, experts say that there is a particular area of ​​the body that can suggest a medical emergency if it suddenly becomes numb. If you notice, you may need immediate intervention to prevent permanent paralysis.

Read this then:The 3 signs that your chest pain is not a heart attack, say the experts.

If you notice a numbness here, go to the emergency room.

close up of white woman pinching her thighs

Experts say that if you feel numbness in your groin, glutes or thighs, it is a sign "of saddle anesthesia" or reduced sensation where your body would come into contact with a saddle. This is a disturbing symptom because it can indicate Cauda Equina syndrome, a rare disorder that may require emergency spine surgery.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Cauda Equina syndrome occurs when the nerve beam at the bottom of the spine (known as Cauda Equina, or "ponytail" in Latin - named after its shape) becomes damaged or compressed. Normally responsible for sending messages between the brain and the lower limbs, compression in this area can cause nervous lesions and paralysis in the legs and saddle. ""Cauda Equina syndrome is not deadly, "explains the Cleveland Clinic", but it can constantly damage your body, affecting your health and your quality of life. ""

If your symptoms start suddenly, it generally suggests Cauda Equina's acute syndrome. With this diagnosis, "you will probably need surgery within 24 to 48 hours," warns the Cleveland Clinic.

These conditions can cause Cauda Equina syndrome.

doctor, back pain, spine doctor, looking at xray
Undey / Shutterstock

Several vertebral conditions can cause Cauda Equina syndrome, according to experts. TheMost common causes have a disc broken in the lumbar area, a vertebral stenosis (narrowing of the vertebral canal), a vertebral lesion or a tumor, or an infection, hemorrhage or inflammation in the spine.

Cauda Equina can also be a complication of a known spine lesion, such as a car accident or a fall. In rare cases, this can happen in children following a congenital anomaly.

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Look for these other symptoms.

Man with kidney pain

In addition to numbness in the saddle region, people with Cauda Equina syndrome may feel tingling, weakness, serious lower back pain, difficulty walking, bladder or intestinal dysfunction or Sudden problems with sexual performance.

If you notice one or more of these symptoms in addition to numbness in the saddle area, you should go to the emergency room for immediate evaluation. If you have Cauda Equina syndrome, you may need rapid intervention to relieve pressure on spinal nerves. "" Treat patients within 48 hours offers an important advantage in improving sensory and motors deficits as well as intestinal function, "note the experts of Cedars Sinai.

Speak to your doctor immediately if you think you could show signs of Cauda Equina's syndrome.

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