5 pets perfect for small spaces

There are a few critters that you may not have considered.

Take care of aThe animal can improve your life in many ways. Research revealed thatinteract with animals Can lower blood pressure, decrease loneliness feelings and stimulate your mood. However, when you live in a small space, having a pet can be difficult. Not only do you need to find space for all your pet supplies, but you also want to make sure that your pet is happy to live in a house with a minimum in square feet. The good news: it can be done. Here, a veterinarian in New York - The house of some beautiful famous apartments - says the best pets for people who live in small spaces.

Read this then:It is the least popular dog breed in the United States, the data show.


french bulldog on couch
Photo lined / Shutterstock

Life in small spaces does not disqualify youHave a dog. "While a good basic rule can be a large dog is equivalent to a large space and the small dog is equivalent to a small space, dogs of all sizes can do wonderfully in a small space as long as they have the capacity to go out daily, "explainsMatthew McCarthy, DVM, aveterinarian and founder From the Juniper Valley Animal Hospital in Queens, New York. "Your dog needs exercise, depending on their age and physical condition, and even old bancal dogs like to go up and down the block."

By doing the exercise regularly with your dog, you deepen your link, you will improve their quality of sleep and notify inappropriate behavior, such as chewing, which are caused by boredom. "Even if you have what would be considered a small space, it is undoubtedly a more spacious and safe space than any shelter for these guys," says McCarthy.


secretly hilarious things cat facts

Cats can judge you for many things, but not the size of your space. "For cats, it is an enriched environment, which is an environment that allows all their cat behavior necessary to play, hunting and climbing," explains McCarthy. "Because cats can go vertical, you can manage in much less space compared to other species." As long as they have a lot of perches, shelves and cat trees, they will be happy. McCarthy also recommends food distribution toys, which will help with their hunting instinct and their playing time with other humans and kittens. In the average studio, you can usually install two cats before starting to feel cramped.

Read this then:If your dog plays with that, remove it immediately.


juvenile rat hiding between bowls in kitchen
Shutterstock / Ajstudio Photography

If your house has space for a small speaker, you will want to consider a rat as your next pet. These little guys are more cuddled than you think; The MacCarthy notes they like to curl up on your lap while you read or watch television. One thing to consider? You will probably want to adopt more than one. "They are quite social and like to be kept with at least one or two others of their brothers," he said. "Pays or same -sex groups are ideal because it will prevent you from breeding. Fortunately, the space you need for two rats is not much larger than the space you would need.



These robust pets can live up to 25 years when they are well maintained. All they need is a small aquarium of about 15 gallons for an adult; The tank does not even need to be heated if your home has an average temperature between 60 and 75 degrees. When shopping for your new pet, "make sure it is a new oriental," suggests McCarthy. "Many of the other more exotic Western newts secrete a powerful neurotoxin of their skin with which you really don't want to play." You will have pleasure in looking at your Newt navigating in its small space.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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Syrian hamster

close up of child's hands holding dwarf hamster

This nostalgic pet is easy to take care of and fun watching. And the best part? Their cage does not need much more than two feet long, a foot wide and a high foot. Syrian hamsters are quite lonely and you will want to host them alone. "Keep in mind that they are nocturnal creatures in a generally slept for most of the day, so you might not see them the most active," explains McCarthy. "That said, most hamsters will wake up in the evening and will interact with their humans with happiness." Just wait until the first time you watch them run on their wheel.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / Home / Pets
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