This change in your vision could report to Alzheimer's disease early, warns doctors

If you see this, it can be a surprising early symptom of dementia.

Whether it is the flowing nose that signals the beginning of a cold or a rash which meansYour allergies have been activated, the symptoms of a disease can be unpleasant and unwelcome, but they are also a significant warning sign of your body that something is wrong. These types of red flags can be crucial when an early diagnosis can offer better treatment and management opportunities,As with Alzheimer's disease, which is the most common cause of dementia.

Some earlysigns of dementia are better known than others, such as confusion and memory loss. But other symptoms of cognitive decline can be surprising. Read the rest to discover a symptom that manifests itself as an unusual change in your vision.

Read this then:If you continue to say that, it can be a sign of dementia, say the experts.

Dementia is not caused by a single disease.

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"There is currently no" remedy "for dementia", according to the National Health Service (NHS). "In fact, because dementia is caused by different diseasesit's quite unlikely that there will be a single remedy. ""

Indeed, dementia is not a disease. It is rather "a general term for a group of symptoms that include memory loss and difficulties with language, problem solving and other cognitive capacities that are serious enough to interfere with daily life", explainsAnne Sansevero, RN, based in New YorkProfessional aging professional and nurse geriatric practitioner.

Not only can dementia be debilitating, but diseases - which include dementia of the Alzheimer's body and Lewy - are increasing. Alzheimer's Disease International reports thatMore than 55 million people Around the world lived with dementia in 2020. This number should double every 20 years, finally reaching 78 million in 2030 and 139 million by 2050.

Some dementia symptoms are more obvious than others.

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Some of the signs of early alert of dementia may include "a short -term progressive memory loss with inability to keep information, increased difficulty in the search for words, a constant loss of things, to become disoriented when it comes to, day and day time, challenges with problem solving, [and]to be confused During a familiar routine, "said Sansevero.

Another early symptom to monitor is aChange of hygiene habits. "The bath involves a lot of complex coordinated tasks such as undress and multitasking with soap and water," explains Sansevero. "This is difficult for people with dementia, because their higher operation of the executive lobe is often the first to be affected." Sansevero adds that brain damage can cause sensory aversion to water, as well as affect a person's feeling of temperature.

Other symptoms of dementia are easier to miss, as they are not associated with confusion or routine changes.

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This change in your vision can report Alzheimer's disease early.

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Although you cannot normally associate vision with your cognitive function, your eyes can really tell you a loton brain health. And when a person's color perception begins to change, it can be an early symptom of dementia.

"Many people with Alzheimer's diseasehave visual problems, as changes in color vision, and previous studies have shown retinal changes and others in their eyes, "according to the National Institute of Aging. In addition, a change in color perception is associated with the disease of Alzheimer's to such a measure that it can be used as a diagnostic tool. "Color vision deficits and associated retinal changes are promising like early screening biomarkers in patientsWith Alzheimer's disease“Reports an article published by the Public Science Library (PLOS).

Why do changes in cognitive function affect the eyes? "People with dementia can alsohave visual difficulties Because dementia affects the parts of their brain which manage visual information from the eyes, "explains the Alzheimer's company." This means that they will have visual problems, but will have healthy eyes. ""AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Healthy habits can help reduce your risk of cognitive decline.

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Although there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, people can do a lot to potentiallydecrease their risk to develop a form of cognitive decline. "Adopt a healthy lifestyle, adequate and relaxing sleeping, committingRegular physical exercise, [and] remaining socially connected "are some of them, says Sansevero. Although the priority of your well-being may seem a fact with regard to the prevention of the disease and the disease, certain other measures could surprise you .

In addition to being a very popular activity with many health benefits, yogaCan help reduce your risk dementia. Good oral hygiene can also affect brain health. Studies have shown that brushing and dental silk dailycan help prevent cognitive decline. Social connections - like having friends in your lifeWho will listen to you- has also been proven for the benefit of brain health.

If someone has symptoms of dementia, Sansevero advises him to "discuss his main doctor and get basic cognitive tests and blood tests carried out. Try some of the preventive measures listed above, and if the symptoms do not 'I do not improve, get a reference to a brain health specialist. "

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