Doing this at night could lead to heart failure, study warnings
More than six million Americans live with heart failure, which can increase your risk.

With more Americans living longer than ever,heart failure is increasing. According to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),More than six million American adults Having heart failure, but contrary to what you might assume, the term "heart failure" does not mean that your heart no longer beats. Heart insufficiency is rather a serious condition in which your heart does not pump enough blood for your body to work at best.
Unfortunately, signs of heart failure can beDifficult to spotAnd the first symptoms often go unnoticed. Signs of heart failure include shortness of breath during daily activities, difficulty breathing when lengthening, weight gain, swelling and fatigue. In addition, studies show that a special thing you could do at night can increase your risk of heart failure. Read the rest to discover what it is and how it could endanger your heart.
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Feeling sleepy during the day could be a red flag.

If you wake up tired or find it difficult to keep your eyes open during the day despite a full night, you may suffer from a current condition that can lead to heart failure. According to a 2018 study published in theTexas Heart Institute Journal, this sleep problem is linked tomany heart problems, like hypertension, coronary disease, cardiac arrhythmias, sudden heart death and heart failure.
There are two types of heart failure: systolic and diastolic. Systolic heart failure occurs when the left ventricle of your heart does not contract completely, which makes your heart incapable of pumping enough blood throughout your body. Diastolic heart failure occurs when less blood is pumped through your body because the left ventricle does not fill with blood properly.
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If this happens while you sleep, you may be at risk of heart failure.

Sleep apnea is a common condition in which your breathing stops and starts frequently throughout the night. This prevents your body from obtaining enough oxygen and puts you at risk of health complications. There are two distinct types of sleep apnea linked to heart failure:Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) andCentral sleep apnea (CSA).
"In OSA, the respiratory tract is closely or completely closed," explainsHarneet Kaur Walia, Md,Director of sleep medicine at Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute of Baptist Health. "In the CSA, there is no obstruction in the respiratory tract. In this type of sleep apnea, the respiratory campaign is absent from the brain."
According to the 2018 study, the prevalence of AOS is significantly higher in people with heart failure in the general population. "Osa is strongly associated withhigh blood pressure, abnormal heart rate, heart attack, stroke and heart failure, "warns Kaur Walia". In patients with heart failure, excessive liquid in the upper respiratory tract is an additional factor that can contribute to the narrowing of the respiratory tract. Sleeping pressure changes linked to sleep apnea cause stress on the heart, and this effect is higher in people with heart failure. ""
Monitor the signs that could indicate sleep apnea.

Symptoms of sleep apnea to be monitored include snoring, morning headache, mood disorders, insomnia and waking up at night due to suffocation or dressing for air. Other warning signals to be sought may not be so easy to detect include high blood pressure and an increaseSympathetic activity of the nervous system, like the accelerated heart rate, dilated pupils, limited blood vessels.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"Overweight people have a large circumference of the neck, smoke or have chronic lung diseases such as asthma run an increased risk of AOS," saidJennifer Mieres, MD, cardiology teacher atZucker medical school. "In addition, there is a higher prevalence of sleep apnea in men; they are two to three times more likely to have sleep apnea than women. Risk increases for obese women and for those which are post-menopausal. Polycystic ovary syndrome, hormonal disorders and previous cerebral accidents can also increase the risk of sleep apnea. "
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Consult a doctor for treatment for sleep apnea.

If you think you have sleep apnea, see a doctor who can do a test to determine if you have a OSA. There are two types of tests -night polysomnography and sleep tests at home. During a night polysomnography test, doctors monitor your heart, pulmonary activity and brain, respiratory models, body movements and blood oxygen levels during sleep. Home sleep tests are simplified tests that your doctor will provide so that you can measure your heart rate, respiratory patterns and blood oxygen levels overnight.
Mayo Clinic reports that there isTherapeutic and surgical treatments for sleep apnea. Therapeutic treatment of the AOS generally involves equipment that works to keep the passages of the airways open. The most common treatment is continuous positive pressure (CPAP) - a device that offers air pressure through a mask to keep your passages open respiratory tract during sleep. Other therapeutic treatments include oral devices that keep your throat open, additional oxygen and adaptive air flow devices (ASV).
If therapeutic treatments cannot resolve your OSA, surgery may be necessary. The options include the elimination of tissues from the roof of your mouth and throat, repositioning jaw, nervous stimulation and the formation of a new air passage (also called atracheotomy). A tracheotomy is only required in extreme cases where AOS is potentially fatal. Your doctor may recommend healthy lifestyles for milder AOS, such as healthy diet, weight loss, obviousness of alcohol and not smoking.

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