Forget that this could be an early sign of dementia, experts warn

Here's how to distinguish between dementia and normal aging.

Too often, we attribute changes to our memory and cognition to age, but experts say that persistent forgetfulness is actuallynot Considered a normal part of aging. This is why it is important to recognize the signs of light cognitive impairment (MCI), which oftenprecede dementia. Although your memory is not the only thing that can be affected by MCI, the search for some special cases of forgetting could help you make a serious cognitive problem. Read the rest to know which red flags could be an early sign of dementia and how to slow down its progress.

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Some health problems can cause cognitive symptoms.


Right now in the United States, roughly5.8 million people Suffering from Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, explains the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And while the first signs of dementia are often not recognized, dementia type symptoms are sometimes caused by other underlying factors.

Thomas C. Hammond, MD, neurologist atMarcus Neuroscience Institute of Baptist Health in Florida, spoke toBetter life On some of the alternative explanations of changes in cognitive health. "In some cases, your symptoms can be caused by other physical or mental health problems. These are in particular depression, sleep apnea, cranial trauma, a lack of vitamin B -12, side effects of medicine or problems with your thyroid, "says Hammond. "Treatment of these problems can first help facilitate or reverse your symptoms. See always your health care provider for a diagnosis," he recommends.

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Forgetting these things can point out dementia.

Forgetful older man upset

The Alzheimer's association underlines that18% of adults More than 60 years live with a slight cognitive impairment, and very often, dementia is to blame. However, a recent national survey revealed that 82% of adults did not know the condition or admitted little about this, which makes the average person very difficult to identify the symptoms that can lead to a dementia of dementia .AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"A slight cognitive impairment is oftenConfused with normal aging Because it's very subtle, "Maria Carrillo, told NPR in March. She added that the symptoms of the MCI most often include "forgetting the names of people, perhaps forgetting that you have already said something, forgetting a story, forgetting words".

Hammond adds that some people with MCI will also feel "non -amnestical" symptoms - those who are not related to memory. "This type affects reflection skills. You can have trouble planning or judgment, decision -making and / or concentration. You can also feel depressed, irritable or anxious, or vice versa do not interest you" , he explains.

It is the only type of forgetting thatbox Be normal as you get older.


Hammond says there is oneMemory change This can be explained by normal aging: temporary forgetting or slow memory recovery. Although you can find it difficult to remind you of a name or remind you where you put your keys, "these pieces of memory come back in 10 to 15 minutes or sometimes hours later" if dementia is not the cause, he explains. "These minor problems in memory are not a sign of evolution of dementia or cognitive disorders. Forgetting the conversations that have been had or appointments that are important are more disturbing and worrying for an important cognitive impairment", explains Hammond.

The neurologist adds that people affected by dementia are often in denial that there is something wrong, and notes that family members and friends are often those that identify early symptoms. For this reason, "it is often difficult to bring patients into the medical system early. It will be a challenge for doctors and caregivers."

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Here's how to slow down MCI's progress.

Senior tired man checking pulse after workout. Old man measuring heart rate pulse on his neck and looking sport watch. Aged man times the pulsations at park.

Although there is no remedy for cognitive disorders or dementia, you may be able to make your symptoms worsen. "TOMake cognitive problems away Later in life, people should try to keep cognitively engaged in quarantine by reading, writing, using the computer for an email and participating in social activities such as card games or clubs Reading ", suggests Hammond. He also recommends doing aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week." It is believed that regular aerobic exercise has neuroprotective and potentially neurorestorative advantages in patients with Memory and cognitive disorders. "

And, for those who know the first signs of cognitive impairment, there are good news: MCI does not always turn into dementia. The report of the Alzheimer's association indicates that "over a period of five to 10 years after a diagnosis of MCI due to Alzheimer's disease, 30 to 50 percent of people pass to the dementia of Alzheimer".

Talk to your doctor to minimize your risk of dementia and slow down the progress of your symptoms if you notice signs of MCI.

Read this then:If this has happened to you, your risk of dementia rises, the experts warn.

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