Half of people with a type of fatal cancer have this in common, experts plan

Changing this habit now is one of the best ways to reduce your risk.

Although there is not a single way of ensuring that you will not have cancer, there are many ways ofReduce your risk. For example, you can stop drinking alcohol, reduce your weight with a healthy diet and exercise, or take measures forPrevent the HPV- All of this can help you avoid a cancer diagnosis. In addition to these changes, doctors say that another intervention is essential to help ward off a form of cancer and rarely discussed and rarely discussed. Read the rest to know which risk factor connects more than half of people with this dangerous cancer and why change your habits could save your life.

Read this then:If you feel that in your throat, check the cancer.

Cup cancer occurs when the origin of the disease is not known.

an older woman talking to her doctor while in the office

Unknown primary cancer, also known as the carcinoma of primary cancer or unknown cut, occurs when doctors cannot originally identify cancer. When this happens, cancer has already metastasized at the time of diagnosis, but the primary tumor has not been found.

This can happen for several reasons, explain the experts. Sometimes the original cancer is not found because it is too small to be seen on scans. Other times, the original cancer has been fought by the body's immune system or withdrawn during surgery for another condition, the Mayo Clinic explains.

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Cup is considered a particularly dangerous diagnosis.

Holding hand in hospital bed

A cup cancer diagnosis is particularly dangerous because cancer treatments work by targeting specific types of cancer. Without knowing where cancer cells have formed for the first time, cancer cells often react less effectively to treatment.

"WhetherAn unknown primary carcinoma is found, doctors work to try to identify the main tumor site, "said the Mayo clinic." Your doctor could consider your risk factors, symptoms and results of exams, imaging tests and pathology tests when you try to determine where your cancer started. ""

This particular type of cancer is often fatal. According to Cancer Research UK, there is only one16% survival rate One year after the diagnosis.

Half people with cup cancer have this in common.

Woman smoking while drinking coffee in a cafe

Experts say that around half of all patients diagnosed with a cut have a common crucial risk factor: they have a history of smoking. Although many people mainly associate smoking with lung cancer - and it is true that 90% of lung cancer cases are related to smoking - this unhealthy habit can alsoCause cancer In almost all parts of the body, the CDC explains.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Smoking is probably aSignificant risk factor for the cup. More than half of patients with cup have history of smoking, "said American Cancer Society." When autopsy studies are carried out, many unknown primary cancers have started in the pancreas, lungs, kidneys, gorge, larynx or esophagus. Smoking increases the risk for all these cancers, "warns their experts.

Jeffrey Dlott, MD, principal medical directorfor quoutdirect Explain why cigarettes can ravages on your health. "Cigarettes literally contain thousands of chemicals, and dozens of them are known carcinogens or harmful toxins known to cause cancer," said DlottBetter life,Explain that poisons in tobacco smoke can damage or even change the DNA of a cell, leading to the growth of uncontrollable cells and the creation of cancer tumors. "Cigarette smoke toxins also weaken the body's immune system, which means that it is more difficult to kill cancer cells once they are formed in the body," he added.

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Look for these symptoms of cup cancer.

Man coughing at home

Cutting cancer is not a single disease, but rather represents a range of possible diseases with many possible symptoms. However, experts say that there are certain symptoms that are considered more frequent in patients with cutting cancer. These may include persistent pain, a bump under the skin, intestinal changes, cough, frequent urination, fever, fever,night sweatsor weight loss.

In fact, everything that is persistent and out of the ordinary deserves to be mentioned to your doctor. "Preventive care is extremely important because these routine controls can identify potential health problems from the start before they have a chance to worsen," said Dlott. "I cannot emphasize enough so that people need to get back into the routine to obtain annual projections that they were able to postpone due to the pandemic."

Dlott adds that it is important that people "take care of what is happening with their own body. If something feels or if something bothers them, they should not wait to have it checked", he said Better life . Provide an appointment with your if you have noticed something abnormal lately, or if you have left your checks to take place during the pandemic.

Read this then: If you notice it on your face, check the cancer .

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