If you had covid, it is how long you can get it again, experts now warn
With new variants, new rules on reinfection codes.

At this stage of the pandemic, if you have not done sohas become a covid again, you should consider you lucky. According to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around60% of all Americans had been infected with the coronavirus at the end of February, and the figures have only increased since. Unfortunately, it is not only people who have not become covid who are at risk, because a covid reinfection remains an urgent concern.
Over time, research has shown that an anterior cocvid case does not mean that you are protected to be infected again, because the immunity granted by vaccines and previous infection decreases over time. But how long are you at risk of becoming a covid? Read the rest to find out what experts are warning now.
Read this then:Vaccinated people are "extraordinarily vulnerable" to this new study reveals.
Experts say it is likely that everyone will become cocovated more than once.

The CDC says that if "most individualshave a certain protection According to repeated infections "after being coded once, reinfections can occur and occur. And it is likely that it will not only be a reinfection.The New York Times, many experts now believe that the coronavirus behind COVID-19 evolves to act more like other coronaviruses, which cause common colds that infect people several times throughout their lives.
"I have thought, almost since the start of this pandemic, that Covid-19 iswill finally become becoming An inevitable infection that everyone gets several times, because that is how a new respiratory virus is established in the human population, "Amesh Adalja, MD, a specialist in infectious disease at Johns Hopkins University, told the newspaper.
Covaded reinfections have become more common over time.

The reinfections coasted were rare before the Omicron variant manifested itself. Now it seems that more and more people discover that they have become comfortable again - and it is not only anecdotal. According to a study of March 31 published inThe New England Journal of Medicine, an infection caused by the Delta variant or a previous cocvid variant has proven to beApproximately 90% effective By preventing reinfection for the two vaccinated and not vaccinated. Omicron, however, is a different beast entirely.
Omicron has really changed this calculation, "Brewl Abu-Raddad, PHD, an epidemiologist of infectious diseases that led the study, saidThe New York Times. The study researchers revealed that once the Omicron variant emerged, previous infections only became 50% of protection against reinfection.
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You can now be reinfected much earlier than before.

The CDC has often indicated that peoplecan wait three months To obtain a cocovated vaccine fired after being cocovated because immunity against infection would be the highest during this period. A study in October 2021 published inLancet found that a cocovated reinfection was not likely to occur after this three -month window had passed.
But new research has an update concerning the potential calendar to put Covid again. A study of February 2022, which was pre -printed on Medrxiv and has not yet been evaluated by peers,revealed that some people were reinfected with the subvariant Omicron Ba. 2 from 20 days after being previously infected by the original omicron variant, BA.1. Denmark researchers found that out of a total of 187 cases of reinfection with BA.2, 47 cases occurred shortly after an initial infection with BA.1.
The uncertainty of the speed with which reinfection could occur means that even people with previous infections should consider additional protective measures, especially if they try to avoid recovering at a given time.
"If you had an infection last week, you probably don't have to hide. But as a month goes from your infection and new variants are starting to circulate in the United States, it can be logical that the high -risk individuals do it, "said AdaljaThe New York Times. "People who try to avoid becoming cowardly because they soon have a cruise or because they need a negative PCR test for another reason may consider taking precautions."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
You may have a lighter illness if you come back cocovated again.

However, there are good news. The study of Denmark revealed that cases of rapid reinfection occurred "mainly in young people who are not vaccinated with a light disease which does not result from hospitalization or death". This corresponds to the idea that the immunity of an infection or previous vaccination can help prevent severe cocoShane Crotty, PhD, virologist at the Jolla Institute for Immunology in California, saidThe New York Times.
"Your immune system has all kinds of weapons to try to stop the virus even if it goes beyond the front door," said Crotty. AccordingThe New York Times, this means that the second or third infections are likely to be shorter and less serious than your first stroke of covid. Abu-Raddad also told the newspaper that on more than 1,300 reinfections identified by his research team, none had led to hospitalization or the death of the USI.
"There is no magic solution against reinfection cocovated," warned Abu-Raddad. But if you have not been infected only and you have not been vaccinated, you should consider obtaining your cocovid vaccine, especially if you want to have a better chance of avoiding reinfection. "Scientific confidence in immunity induced by vaccines was and is much higher than immunity induced by infection," said Crotty.
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