USPS has just sent this major warning about a "serious threat" for everyone
You can have your email service suspend, but it is not the only danger.

If you have been more and more frustrated by theAmerican postal service (USPS), you are not alone. Staff shortages with budget cuts, the agency has trouble constant challenges, and they have made snowball in boring problems for customers like MajorDelivery delays. Now the USPS is back with news less than ideal, warning the Americans of a mail problem that could affect them. Read the rest to discover what the agency says it is a "serious threat" for everyone.
Read this then:USPS gets rid of this service, from July 10.
USPS recently warned customers of several problems.

The postal service has worked to warn customers across the country about a number of major challenges that may have them on the effects, now or later. In March, the USPS began to alert customersabout a growing number Checks stolen by post, mail flight complaints that increased from 161% from March 2020 to February 2021, according to the USPS Inspector General.
As if it was not disturbing enough, a few months later in May, general post officeLouis Dejoy said we should start preparing to seeShipping costs are increasing At an "uncomfortable" rate, warning that it will continue to put pressure for price increases until the USPS seems to be more "autonomous".
Now there is a new "serious threat" on which the agency rings the alarm.
The postal service has just issued a new warning concerning a "serious threat" for everyone.

As part of an awareness initiative, the USPSpublished a new opinion On June 3, warning the Americans of animal attacks across the country. According to the agency, more than 5,400 postal employees were attacked by dogs in the United States only in 2021. "Pinks and bites to vicious attacks, the aggressive behavior of dogs constitutes a serious threat to postal employees and the public, "said the USPS.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Some cities are more dangerous than others. The postal service reported that Cleveland, Ohio, was the worst offender for dog attacks in 2021 with 58 attacks against factors. The other big cities of the 25 best cities for mail bearers who attack dogs were Houston, Texas; Los Angeles, California; Chicago, Illinois; And Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
"The postal service takes the safety of our employees as seriously as we make our commitment to deliver American mail. Each year, nearly 6,000 employees are attacked by dogs during their routes", "Linda Decarlo, said a senior director of safety and health at the USPS in a statement.
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Operators are trained on how to avoid causing a dog.

If you think this problem does not involve you, you might be wrong. The postal service said that many animal attacks reported by pardon holders in 2021 came from dogs from which the owners said regularly: "My dog will not bite." And the attacks have occurred despite the training of carriers to try to prevent dogs from not surprising them, keeping their eyes on them, making noise or closing to alert them if you enter a courtyard, And never caressing them or nourishing them, according to the USPS.
"I was bitten by a dog on my leg recently and my mail bag helped me protect myself", "Francisco Juarez, a transporter of letters who delivers to Houston, said in a statement. "The sound of a barking dog during my route puts me alert and I try to be ready to protect myself."
The USPS warns that "even sympathetic dogs will bite, according to their situation" because they are mainly territorial in nature and have an instinct to protect their owners and their property from their owners. "Defending your territory sometimes means attacking - and perhaps biting - the Letting Carrier," explains the postal service.
But even if you are not in danger of being bitten yourself, animal attacks on carriers can have consequences for you in a different way.
The postal agency can suspend your mail service if a dog lets go.

The postal service does not take a slight attacks against its workers. Youcould have your According to the agency, the mail service is suspended or temporarily withdrawn if there is an animal threat for carriers on or around your property, according to the agency. In fact, an entire Greenfield district, IndianaSuspended postal service Last month "due to current and unresolved problems with bulk dogs in the region."
According to the USPS, residents must recover their mail in their local post office when the service is arrested, and it will not be restored until the agency is assured that the dog is properly retained. "Dog owners are responsible for controlling their dogs. The best way to protect everyone from dog bites is to recognize and promote responsible possession of animals," said the USPS.
According to the agency, most people know what time their factor generally arrives every day. To prepare for this, the owners should secure their dogs before the carrier approaches your home to minimize any potential interaction. This includes either keep dogs inside the house, behind a fence, far from the door, in another room or on a leash.
"Each year, thousands of postal employees are attacked by dogs when they put American mail back. And although it is the natural instinct of a dog to protect their family and their house, we ask all customers to act in a responsible manner by taking security precautions with their dogs while mail is issued, "Leeann Theriault, the director of safety and awareness of the health of USPS employees, said in a statement.
Read this then:All USPS changes bring to your mail this year.