If this happens to you in the forties, your dementia risks rising them in singing, studies say

The good news is that it is under your control.

As you get older, it is important to take care of your physique andcognitive health“But experts say it starts well before entering your golden years. A large number of research now suggests that a common occurrence of the quarantine can have a deep effect on your cognitive health all over the line. The good news? There may still be something you can do about it, if you act quickly. Read the continuation to find out how your quarantine years can make or undo this risk factor for dementia, and why experts think they are linked.

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If this happens in the forties, it increases the risk of your dementia.

Woman stepping on a scale to weigh herself

According to a 2011 study published in the journalNeurology, becomingseriously overweight or obese During the forties, considerably increases your risk of developing subsequent dementia. Analyzing data from the Swedish twin register, a database of 8,534 twins over 65, the research team examined the possible risk factors related to dementia, including size, weight, history of health, etc.

"In this Swedish twin study on a national scale, overweight and obesity in quarantine increase the risk of all dementias, the MA [Alzheimer's disease] and the vad [vascular dementia], regardless of the Diabetes of life and vascular diseases, "wrote the team. They noted that family factors, especially both genetics and early environments of life, seemed to contribute to the association between a great adiposity of quarantine [severe obesity] and dementia at the end of life.

However, be obeselater In life does not seem to have the same effect. The authors of the study concluded that the relationship between the high body mass index (BMI) and dementia in people over 65 is "controversial", not conclusive.

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Here is how the BMI and the risk are linked.

Overweight woman discussing test results with doctor in hospital

The team also examined several existing studies and noted that their results were in accordance with wider research. "An increasing corpus of evidence suggests that a high level of adiposity is associated withcognitive decline And dementia, "they explained.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

But how are these factors directly linked? "In this Swedish twin cohort, we found that dementia or the MA was associated with chances of more than 70% higher to be overweight in the forties, while the chances of being obese in the forties were more high for those who have an AD as well as those with VAD, "said the researchers.

People in these other BMI ranges also seem to be at risk.

A nutritionist doctor measures the body of a male patient with a measuring tape on adipose tissue and excess weight. Overweight obesity man seeing doctor for treatment of his illness and weight loss.

The team determined that being overweight but not obese during the fortiesRisk of dementia- Whatever. "Although the effect of the overweight of the forties on dementia is not as substantial as that of obesity, its impact on public health and clinical practice is significant due to the fact that there are 1 , 6 billion overweight adults worldwide, "the team wrote.

A distinct study of 2011 published in the journalObesity reviews noted that people who areWeighted weighting in the forties Are also at disproportionate risks to develop subsequent dementia. They determined that all ranges of BMIs other than a "healthy" BMI was considered a risk factor independent of cognitive decline.

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There are several reasons why the risk of BMI and dementia could be linked.

Doctor measuring blood pressure of overweight woman in clinic

The researchers of the twin study say that there are several potential reasons that weight and dementia are linked. They note that having a high BMI islinked to diabetes And vascular diseases, both known as risk of dementia. "Nevertheless, in our study, the association between the high BMI and dementia in quarantine has remained significant after having controlled vascular diseases of the lifespan, which suggests that non -vascular pathways could play an important role in The Association of Dementia Adiposity ", the authors of the study covered.

Another possible reason has to do with inflammation: a higher weight in quarantine can go hand in hand with "life exposure to an altered metabolic and inflammatory state", they write. In addition, they note that adipose tissue secretes inflammatory cytokines and growth hormones that can cause a cognitive decline.

If you suspect that your BMI is in a risky range, talk to your doctor to discuss the healthy ways to reduce your weight for a lower risk of dementia and better overall health.

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