4 subtle signs, you may have had a crisis without realizing it

They don't always seem to think.

Sometimes a crisis looks like a film - the victim falling to the ground, convulseing and goes unconscious. But experts warn that because there are many types of crises, it is only many possible presentations ofSeizure symptoms. People who experience convulsions of small evil (also called "absence convulsions"), who generally last less than 10 seconds, can undergo changes in behavior so subtle that they completely ignore their condition. Read the rest for four small signs, you may have had a crisis without even realizing it.

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You feel a sudden stop in motion without falling.

eenager female young woman sad depressed or thoughtful looking out of a window

A characteristic of an absence crisis is a temporary loss of consciousness, without vanishing. This can also be a sign of complex focal crises, which can occur in people with frontal lobe epilepsy.

In some people, it is difficult to discern that the person who knows the crisis is unconscious. "If you haveA typical crisis of absence, you will be unconscious for a few seconds. You will suddenly stop doing what you do before the start, but will not fall, "explains the action of epilepsy, a charitable organization based in the Kingdom Absence," their experts write.

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You make lip hit or chew.

Sad senior man looking in bathroom mirror and touch his face skin with fingers. Concept grow old.

Although it can be difficult todetect a crisis of absence By a subtle lack of consciousness, you can learn your condition if those around you notice some of their most distinct symptoms. These sometimes include "oral automatisms" such as lip slapting or involuntary chewing movements. A 2009 study published inJama neurology archives noted that involuntary swallowing and licking lips were part of themost common oral symptoms For this type of crisis.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

If you see someone feeling this symptom, it is important not to try to stop your movements, especially not by inserting an object between their teeth. "A person canbite a crisis If their jaw and face muscles are tightening. If something is in their mouths, they could break and swallow the object or break their teeth, "explains the epilepsy foundation. They add that despite the folk wisdom suggesting the opposite," a person cannot swallow his tongue during a crisis ".

Your eyelids are starting to float.

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The floating of the eyelids is another subtle sign that you may feel a crisis of absence. Sometimes the eyes turn upwards and can seem to come back in the head.

These symptoms are shared by other forms of epilepsy, such asEpilepsy with myoclonia for eyelids, also known as JEAVONS syndrome. It is possible to display this symptom without a crisis of absence or a loss of consciousness.

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Your hands make small movements, including the friction of the fingers.

rubbing fingers

TheJama The study also revealed that "manual automation" -Little fingers movements such as finger friction, agitation, wrongs by hand, scratches and picking - were also common signs of absence attacks. Some people who have this type of crisis also experience a more generalized movement of jolt in their hands or their members.

If you have experienced one of these symptoms and suspect, they can be the result of a crisis, speak with your health care provider.

Read this then:You are 32 times more likely to develop MS if you have had this, the study says.

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