Never go to the toilet in a bar without doing this first, the police warn

The authorities warn that this is a key step to protect you safely during the city.

According to the cocovio-19 cocovid pandemic when we were all quarantined in our own houses, it was great to be able to have fun in CrowdedBars and restaurants. These establishments were among those which were the hardest affected during locking, pushed to limit their take -out services, some were even forced to close their doors for good. But now that we take advantage of these companies, it is still, it is important to remember that our personal security is not only to avoid COVVID. Read more to find out what the police say you need to do before heading for the toilet the next time you are in a bar.

Read this then:Do not fill your fuel tank without doing this first, the police now warn.

Police have made a number of warnings this year in terms of public security.

Police officer

Warnings of authority figures can be concerned, but they are made with your safety in mind. So far this year, American police have expressed different warnings about the problems that could put the general public in danger. In January, officials warned thatQR codes, an acronym for "quick response" codes were put on parking meters in order to deceive the drivers inSensitive information sharing.

More recently, the police asked drivers to take preventive measures before filling their fuel tanks. An increase in gas prices has also led to aIncrease in gas theft, managers ask to recommendExchange of current gas caps For those who have a lock. Now there is a new warning which consists more in protecting you than your car.

There was an increase in drinking doping in bars.

drink being spiked at a bar
Singe Images / Shutterstock

Whether you are ordering a cocktail or a nave that, having a drink with friends in a bar is one of the simple pleasures of life. But the next time you head for your local lair, the police ask you to take additional precautions due to an increase in drinking doping activity.

On May 30, the Boston Police Service (BPD) published a press release after many social media users indicated that theirDrinks have been enriched In bars in the Boston region. In the light of this, the police said that it was crucial that you assure yourself that your drink is covered before going to the toilet. The COPD has recommended to use different "creative inventions" that keep your drink covered, which is available for purchasing on sites like Amazon, Walmart and Etsy.

You will also not want to leave your drink unattended in general. If you came with a friend, a family member or another significant, make sure they have eyes on your drink to make sure that it is not falsified. And although this is not the most sanitary option, you can take your drink with you in the toilet, the police noted.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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Attackers can increase unattended drinks.

ghb drug vial and powder
Chayanuphol / Shutterstock

The Boston police also advise by ensuring that you are served by the bartender. Leaving someone else to buy you a drink may seem attractive when you are at the time, but it may be dangerous to allow someone you don't know to order and deliver drinks. In these cases, criminals will increase drinks withDrugs like Rohypnol Or "roofies" - a depressant that can produce "sedative -hypnotic" effects, according to the American Agency for the Application of Medicines (DEA). Rohypnol has never been approved for medical use in the United States and is commonly called a "date rape" medication.

In addition to Rohypnol,GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyrate) and Ketamine are used to make drinks. These substances are colorless, insipid and without odor. Brand Rohypnol tablets now have a nucleus that will make drinks blue when dissolved, but generic forms may not have this additional feature, which means that the drug could always be found in your drink without your knowledge.

"These drugs and substances can cause disorientation, confusion, temporary paralysis or unconsciousness as well as a multitude of other symptoms, leaving the potential victim vulnerable to the intentions of the suspect," wrote the COPD. According to the DEA, the effects of these drugs are intensified when mixed with alcohol.

Police ask you to report any pointed drink instance.

filing report with police
Photographer / Shutterstock

You may not know that your drink has been enriched, but if you are starting to feel dizzy, nauseating or spreading out, it might indicate that you have to ask for help, said BPD. You can also test your drink with test strips and various nail polish which "light up a certain color if they detect drugs", according to the police.

In case you or someone you know is a victim of drinking doping, the BPD invites you to report incidents by calling 911 or by signaling it in a police station.

"Please be aware of any unusual behavior of your knowledge and beware of foreigners who try to attract individuals far from their friends," said officials, adding that you can use a boyfriend to avoid separating in social environment.

"In addition, if you observe anyone who seems in distress, wandering alone late at night or undoubtedly dressed for the weather, be sure to contact the police immediately," added the police.

Read this then: If your car has this, remove it immediately, the police warn .

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Bars / / News / Safety
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