Why does this artist's daughter eat at street vendors even though my father's wealth is 11 M?
There is an artist child who is taught to live a simple life even though his father has wealth of more than 11 billion rupiah you know! Who is he?

Do you know that there are artist children who are taught to live a simple life even though his father has wealth of more than 11 billion rupiah? Yes, when other artist families eat with a menu of hundreds of thousands of rupiah in luxury restaurants, this artist's child is willing to eat at street vendors with his father. He looks very happy to eat a food menu for tens of thousands of rupiah in a street vendor.
Who is the figure of the artist in question?
He was Nasha Anaya, the daughter of senior artist Sigit Purnomo Said alias Pasha with his ex -wife, Okie Agustina. It is known that the beautiful girl who is familiarly called Nasha is the youngest child of Pasha and Okie, and has 2 siblings namely Kiesha Alvaro Putra Sigit and Shakiena Azalea Putrina Pasha.
Initially, Okie Agustina and Pasha live happily and have a handsome and beautiful child. But their marriage ran aground in the middle of the road after Okie Agustina had an affair with a musician named Idea. Instantly the marriage that had been built for 6 years collapsed, and they were officially divorced in 2009.
After that, Pasha married a flight attendant named Adelia Wilhelmina in 2011 and was blessed with 4 hearts named Dewa Hikari Zaidan Ibrahim, Sakha Dyandra Sultan Yusuf, Aliyan Akhtar Raja Sulaiman, and Princess Kayla Mutiara Pasha. While Okie Agustina married Gunawan Football athlete Dwi Cahyo and was blessed with 1 heart named Miro Materazzi Gunawan.
So that Pasha and Okie now have their own lives and rarely meet each other. Even so, apparently recently Nasha was invited by Pasha to break the fast in a street vendor with a simple menu, pecel catfish! How are you full? Directscrollbelow!

Pasha invites her child to break the fast at street vendors
On April 24, 2022, Pasha was known to invite her youngest child from a marriage with Okie Agustina, Nasha Anaya breaking the fast at a street vendor. This was seen in the photo uploaded by Pasha on an Instagram account@pashaungu_vmwithcaption,"BecauseMommy @adeliapasha Still activities in Makassar Soa A open the fast yesterday the 21st dayama My beautiful@nasha.anayaaa just first .. guess where we open the fastn What do you eat?"
In the upload, Pasha and Nasha Anaya seemed to break their fast with a simple food menu namely catfish pecel and orange ice. Even so, their faces look very happy and happy. So how is the netizen's reaction to the photo?

Netizens were amazed by Pasha and Nasha
Pasha's uploaded photo immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Not a few who were amazed by the simplicity of Pasha despite having abundant wealth, which even reportedly had a total of more than 11 billion rupiah. Many also feel amazed by Nasha who are willing and happy to be invited to eat catfish pecel in street stalls, and amazed by her teenage beauty.
For example, such as netizens with the initial B who commented, "Top singer, government official, but not proud to eat at a roadside stall,So Humble. " Or the netizen with the initials A who praised Nasha's beauty, "very beautiful Nasha ... very similar to Pasha."
Investigate a calibaration, it turns out that simplicity is one of Pasha's ways to apply good parenting for children you know! What is the full parenting of Pasha -style children?

How to Pasha Apply Parenting Children
In the content titled "Has 7 Children, Here's How Pasha Ungu Apply Parenting" uploaded by the Celeb360 account on the video platform, Pasha revealed how to care for her child in the midst of busy making a living.
It is known that Pasha has a total of 7 children from Adelia Wilhelmina and Okie Agustina. So that paying attention to children fairly is an important challenge for Pasha in the midst of busy making a living in the field of art and politics.
Pasha said that earning a living needs to be balanced withQuality TimeTogether with children like playing, studying, and talking. This 42 -year -old man also claimed to needTimeor special time to focus on yourself.
Meanwhile, according to Pasha the way of learning with children is not merely about the abilities needed in school, but also about behavior and courtesy. Examples such as teaching simplicity and humble by eating at street vendors.

Is it true that Pasha's property reached more than 11 billion rupiah?
Earlier we had said that Pasha had more than 11 billion rupiah, it was a fact or just a mere gossip? For the sake of answering curiosity, let's just discuss it below!
It turned out that the news that Pasha had more than 11 billion rupiah in assets. This was evident from the State Official Assets Report (LHKPN) on April 29, 2019. From the report, it turns out that Pasha has a total wealth of Rp 11.3 billion. The wealth includes total assets it has such as houses, vehicles, and others.
If the wealth report occurred 2 years ago, then how much is Pasha's wealth in 2022? Maybe you can reach 15 billion rupiah! Even so, Pasha is known as a figure who likes to live a simple life, such as when breaking the fast with Nasha Anaya.

Nasha figure of fashionista and photogenic girls
Besides being amazed by Pasha's attitude to teach simplicity to her child, the figure of Nasha Anaya was also the spotlight of netizens. Because besides wanting to be invited to live a simple life, he also looks more beautiful.
If we arekepoinInstagram account@nasha.anayaaa, it turns out that Nasha is also a figurefashionista and photogenic. Evidenced by the charm and style of dress that is very interesting so that it becomes a benchmark OOTD of women in adolescence. Are you one of them?
From the news this time, we can learn about the simplicity of the figure of Pasha even though he already has a lot of wealth. Nasha is also very happy to be invited to eat her father at a street vendor. Because maybe according to him,Quality Time Together with father more valuable than just eating in luxury restaurants.
Well, what do you think about the moment of togetherness of Pasha and Nasha in the street stalls? Tell us in the comments column!