This over -the -counter medication can worsen your pain, says a new study

Research has revealed that the popular product could really make your pain persist longer.

Whether it is a relief of a fractional headacheEight out of ten Americans Turn regularly to them for relief, according to the health and medicine website. However, although they can make you feel better in the moment, research has shown that the pills without a prescription can haveSerious health consequences in some cases. Now, a new study has revealed that a type of over -the -counter pain medication could be to ensure that the problem aims to solve even worse. Read the rest to see which common drugs could prolong your suffering.

Read this then:If you have taken tylenol with these common over -the -counter drugs, have your liver checked.

Studies have shown that patients should not use certain over -the -counter drugs for certain types of pain.


Pain can result from the influenza to an injury. But with regard to current diseases, lower back pain can be a throbbing problem that can make daily activity uncomfortable. Unfortunately, it is also common: around 577 million people - or7.5% of the world's population—Suffer from the condition, with 85 to 95%, signaling to their doctors that they do not know the reason, according to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).

However, research has shown that not all over -the -counter analgesics are cutTreat the throbbing disease. According to a study published inThe Medical Journal of Australia In April 2021, acetaminophen - also known as paracetamol or by the Tylenol brand name - was not "effective forrelieve acute back pain. "Instead, other research has revealed thatThe popular pain lift is better suited to treat "headache, dental pain and pain after surgery", according to Harvard Men's Health Watch.

For this reason, experts previously recommended to take non-steroidal (NSAID) anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen to treat both back pain and inflammation. "Inflammation is a contributory factor in mostBack and neck pain conditions, therefore reducing inflammation often helps to alleviate the pain, "saidFalla Kathee, Pharmd (via the health of the spine). "They can be used to approach short-term pain, neck and muscle pain," she adds.

Now, new research reveals that certain over -the -counter analgesics drugs could in fact make your back pain a chronic disease.

Man with back pain from sleeping wrong

But now new research could potentially change the way doctors usedrugs to manage lower back pain and other pains. According to a study published on May 11 in the journalTranslational scientific medicine, using steroids and NSAIDs such as ibuprofen for relief could actually make things worse byRun the ground for chronic pain,,The New York Times reports.

"For many decades, it has been a standard medical practice to treat pain withanti-inflammatory. But we have found that this short -term fix could cause longer -term problems, "saidJeffrey Mogil, PHD, one of the main authors of the study and professor in the Psychology Department of McGill University in Montreal, said in a press release.

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Over -the -counter popular pain relievers could hinder a significant part of the healing process.

Senior man with a painful back-kidney on a medical exam.

Researchers from the latest study tested their results by examining howPain has been caused in human subjects. Blood samples were taken out of 98 people shortly after reporting back pain for the first time, then three months later. The results have revealed that patients who said that their pain has light up showed signs of inflammation when their pain has grown before finally disappearing over time. However, the team did not record the same inflammatory response in those who have further pointed out in pain at the end of the three months, according toThe temperature.

According to the researchers, the most important changes seemed to occur in a type of cell called neutrophils during the examination period. "Neutrophils dominate the first stages of inflammation and prepare the ground for the repair of tissue damage. Inflammation occurs for a reason, and it seems that it is dangerous to interfere it," said Mogil in the Press release.

To further explore their theory, researchers have also used information from the Biobank of the United Kingdom. More specifically, the group considered 2,163 patients diagnosed with back pain and 461 which developed chronic pain. Analysis showed that patients who took NSAIDs to manage their pains were almost twice as likely to develop chronic back pain two to ten years later than those who used other drugs or did not take them , according toThe temperature.

Researchers and other experts warn that more studies are needed to better understand the results.

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The team concluded that their results supported the reconsideration of how doctors approach short and long -term treatment. "We have discovered that pain resolution is actually an active biological process" ""Luda Diatchenko, MD, PHD, professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Professor of Dentistry and McGill, said in a statement. "These results must be followed by clinical trials directly comparing anti-inflammatory drugs to other pain relievers that relieve pain and do not disturb inflammation."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Other medical experts have agreed that the observation study should be followed by clinical research. "It's intriguing but requires a more in -depth study", "Steven J. Atlas, MD, director of research based on the practice of primary care and improving quality at Massachusetts General Hospital, saidThe temperature.

Read this then:If you are over 60, do not take this over -the -counter medication every day, those responsible say.

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