The 6 loneliest zodiac signs

Since some people are more lonely than others, the question arises why. Why do some people enjoy the society of strangers while others prefer society to their own person?

Some people feel lonely, no matter how many people are in the room at the same time. Loneliness usually has to do with a feeling than with a certain number of people with whom you have to be surrounded. Loneliness means more than physical closeness: it has to do with the feeling of not having a lot or not at all with other people.

Since some people are more lonely than others, the question arises why. Why do some people enjoy the society of strangers while others prefer society to their own person? What does we actually differentiate between?

Some may explain through the type of personality that others have, while others can be the result of a certain upbringing, mostly suspiciously towards other people. There are also some who believe that the answer is related to the zodiac sign under which some were born. In fact, astrology seems to offer many details when it comes to the type of personality, and this could also explain why some people are more lonely than others.

Based on the conversations with experts and astrologers, we can present a list of the six loneliest zodiac signs. In any case, it is important to take these details as an observation and not personally. Sometimes it can happen that they are actually in the wrong company and in the wrong place and feel lonely regardless of their date of birth because they have a different value system and hobbies than they do with the people they have.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn born have difficulty connecting with other people and being honest with themselves. In fact, they hate being vulnerable, and this could be the first reason why people don't enjoy their presence. They look as if they always have something to hide and so distrust is usually made. In fact, they don't do this because they think they are better than the others, but because they don't like it to be exposed and vulnerable. To make new friends and valuable contacts, you have to accept your weaknesses and take the risk of opening up.

Virgin (August 23 - September 22)

The problem with virgins is that they are oversight. Not only on the others, but also on themselves. In fact, they may not necessarily be lonely lonely, but because people don't enjoy having anything to do with someone who concentrates on finding the mistakes instead of to look at general beauty of an event or a situation. If you are born under such a sign and are unhappy about being lonely - or isolated - try to be more tolerant and friendly and understand that we do not live to be perfect, but to enjoy life and enjoy to make the best of it. No matter how and when.

Widder (March 21 - April 19)

It may be a little misleading to see rams as a lonely sign when you consider how active they are and how much they enjoy the presence of other people. However, they are very vulnerable and especially once they have been cheated, they can be very careful not to trust other people again. Therefore, they will be much happier to enjoy their own presence, and that of anyone else. Usually these periods do not last too long.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The loneliness of the shooter is the result of too much dependence on people. You need connection and feel that loneliness is dramatic. This balance between too many friends and nobody nearby is very fragile, and if you are one of you, you know how difficult it is sometimes to keep it.

Fish (February 19 - March 20)

Fish are usually very vulnerable when it comes to trusting other people. When they have been disappointed, they will avoid being open to the rest of their lives, even if this means being lonely and isolated. You can feel emotionally safer under these conditions. The good thing about this situation is that many fish can implement this loneliness into creative projects, so there is a creative note of their human distrust. But you also have to learn to take risks and not to overdo the effects of a single disappointment.

Scorpion (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpions are an interesting zodiac sign, and this applies to both the way they interact with other people and if they want to be alone. In general, you need more time to get to know someone, and until you are sure that the connection exists, you may prefer your own society. On the other hand, when a scorpion is cheated, it is loneliness or your best friend. You can leave those who do not distrust you before you openly say everything you have on your heart.

What do you think? What experiences have you had with these zodiac signs? We can't wait to read your impressions!

Categories: lifestyle
Tags: star sign
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