If you use this common treatment on your cuts, stop now, experts warn
Experts warn that you could worsen the injury.

The cuts and scratches are an unfortunate aspect of life, whether you are carefree while cutting vegetables orfinish with a bulb After breaking a new pair of shoes. These injuries are generally more annoying than they are serious, and we tend to keep the supplies at hand to treat minor injuries at home. However, if you reach this single common treatment to disinfect your cuts, you may want to reconsider. Read more to find out which medical expert products say you say you should stop using your injuries immediately.
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A well -stocked first aid kit is a key element to treat minor injuries at home.

The cuts can be painful, but unless you are seriously injured, you will probably not make the visit of the doctor or emergencies. First aid kits are practical to have at hand and are often equipped with basic necessities to treat a minor injury, such as bandages, gauze and cleaning wipes. The American Red Cross also recommendsAdding personal items, like drugs and emergency contact numbers, as well as all that your doctor suggests. If you have one of these kits stored and ready to leave, you may want to check to make sure that it does not have a common product, which could actually interfere with the healing process.
This secular treatment could do more harm than good.

If your mom stammered hydrogen peroxide on your knee scraped when you were a child, you are not alone. This approach to disinfecting the cuts is something that many of us have experienced by growing up - and it always seemed to accompany the warning that it "could prick a little". In that spirit, you can be surprised (and relieved) to learn that health professionals suggestavoidhydrogen peroxide in these cases.
"Hydrogen peroxide with high concentrations is caustic, and just as it kills bacteria, it also kills healthy cells which are so important for the healing process", "Stephani Laing, Advanced Care Paramedic and CEO ofElite Emergency Restnse Inc., said. "He also disrupts the formation / repair of blood vessels, which also slows healing."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
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The sparkling reaction created by hydrogen peroxide is not a good thing.

According to Mayo Clinic, hydrogen peroxide and iodineirritate your injury, as opposed to helping him, and must be avoided when you take care of yourself or your loved ones. The familiar sparkling reaction that you see on the surface of your skin helps to eliminate debris from the wound, but it can also interrupt the natural and immediate response of your body to heal on its own.
"Many people think that the bubbling means that it really works, but the foam indicates a chemical reaction that also damages healthy cells," said Laing. "It's a bit like when we take oral antibiotics, they kill bad bacteria but also good because they do not know the difference, which can cause secondary infections."
Laing has added that this can be doubly problematic for people with diabetes and the elderly whose healing processes are not as effective. But the latter group could still use hydrogen peroxide as a usual force. "Since the peroxide has been used for first aid since the 1920s, the older crowd, in particular, tends to reach it as the first choice of disinfection of wounds," she said.
If you end up with a cut, here is how the experts recommend treating it at home.

The Mayo clinic recommends you to wash your hands before doing anything to treat your injury, then apply a slight pressure to stop any bleeding. Laing also suggests that running water and soft soap are really the best approach for immediate treatment.
Then you will want to exchange peroxide for antibiotic ointment such as neosporin or oil jelly, which maintains the surface of your wet skin and also prevents scars, according to Mayo Clinic. You can then apply a bandage or a gauze, and you will want to change this dressing once a day or each time it becomes dirty.
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