The best way n ° 1 to fall asleep on a flight, explains the expert
A high -level sleep expert reveals his tip to rest during your next flight.

That you have a getawayA neighboring state To work or travel for hoursDistant location On vacation, plane trips offer the ideal opportunity to relax, relax and perhaps even sleep a little.
Some people have no problem falling asleep on an airplane: they have closed their eyes, perhaps putting performance headphones, lighting pieces, and they areoutside. Unfortunately, we do not all have the possibility of canceling the lively lights, the crying babies, the unpredictable turbulence and the strongly offensive perfume or the cologne impregnating the person next to us to obtain this well -necessary rest during travel in airplane.
Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fall asleep in an airplane, according to Michael Breus, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, diplomat of the American Board of Sleep Medicine and member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Continue to read for your number one tip to repeat deeply in the air. And then don't missThe 10 best American cities of all travelers need to see.
Many people have trouble sleeping in planes.

If you have trouble closing while piloting the friendly sky, you are not alone. According toAn Expedia study, a huge 48% of travelers report that they generally cannot sleep on a plane.
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Why it can be so difficult to fall asleep.

Breus explains that there are a lot of reasons whyfall asleep In a plane, can be difficult. First of all, the body was not supposed to sleep seated, he underlines. "This forces yourheart Pump stronger due to gravity. ""AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Then, even if you are tired enough to fall asleep, the planes rarely offer enough space or personal space. "This too will cause anxiety for the sleeper and possible disturbances when they put their heads on their headquarters, who may not appreciate their business!" Breus notes.
Finally, planes are very different from your room, where you can generally control your environment. "Exposure to light, sounds and temperature are all variables that you cannot control on an airplane, which can cause disturbances," explains Breus.
The best way to sleep on a plane is to bring a sleep kit.

The tip of Breus takes some planning. He suggests gathering a sleep kit and bringing it with you every time you travel. "He should have cache lights, socks, earplugs, a toothbrush and dough, a comb, your phone with meditations on it and sleeping music ready to leave."
All these things can help you feel more comfortable and control the variables of the plane. InA blog article on your website Addressing the subject, Breus explains why you should pack some of these personal items. "Keep your usual ritual at bedtime, even if your flight is during the day. If you brush your teeth and wash your face before bed, recreate this ritual at the airport or on the plane before S ' Have fun. He will encourage your body to sleep. "
Read this then:Sleep this way could hurt your spine.
Choosing the right seat is also important.

Another controllable factor is where you sit down. Breus suggests selecting a seat with a large leg room that is next to the window (if you can). "A window seat allows you to rest against the fuselage of the plane, and your siege comrades are less likely to wake up to use the toilets," he wrote on his blog.
"In addition, you have a complete control on the window, so you will not be bombed by circadian sunlight in rhythm when you try to repeat," adds Breus. If the buzzing plane engines bothers you, he suggests opting for a distant seat. Also remember to make follies in a seat with an additional leg space, as this will allow you to stretch your legs. "Don't forget, don't meet your legs during sleep because it can hinder blood flow and put pressure on the spine," he wrote.
What you wear and eat can also induce sleep.

There are other ways to help you fall asleep on an airplane, by Brues. Dress comfortably, by wearing loose layers, clean socks and comfortable shoes that you can launch if necessary.
Before and during the flight, avoid soda and bubbles or other caffeinated drinks. He also suggests bringing your own food.
Finally, be sure to stretch before getting on the plane, which can help you avoid stiffness later.
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