More than 50? Do not get a second booster if you did this, CDC warns

The agency has new recommendations for the fourth dose of cocoded vaccine.

The United States is in a somewhat confusing place with theCOVID PANDEMIE right now. Barely a month ago, infections regularly lowered at high levels, which prompted those responsible to delete most of the restrictions. But now they climb again: according to the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC), new cases of coronavirushave increased by Over 35% last week only. Is this the beginning of a new push, or just as things are now? For their part, health officials and virus experts have largely agreed - the best way to protect yourself is to be vaccinated and stimulated when it is eligible. The question of how many booster photos you need, however, is always open.

Read this then:Dr Fauci warns all Americans to do it now, whether they are vaccinated or not.

Anyone over 50 in the United States can receive the fourth shot covers now. CDC and Food and Drug Administration (FDA)changed their advice On March 29, to make all adults aged 50 or more eligible for a second booster, as well as younger adults who are moderately or immunocompromised clothing.

"Boosters are safe, and people over 50 can now get an additional booster 4 months after their previous dose to further increase their protection", CDC directorRochelle Walinsky, MD, said at the time. According to a February 11 study of the CDC, the effectiveness of the initial booster against hospitalizationFall at 78% After four months.

But there have been a number of debates surrounding the need and the timing of a second booster. This is partly due to the fact that the data of Israel - where the officials began to administer the fourth doses of Pfizer to those over the age of 60 in January - found that the additional protection offered by the additional dose seems to have decreased Even faster than after the first booster. A study of April 6 published inThe New England Journal of Medicine I found the effectiveness of the second boosterstarts to fall Only one month after vaccination.

"The facts on the second booster that people must understand to make this choice are that first, your immunity after thatFirst Booster discourage considerably four to six months. It's indisputable, "Robert Wachter, MD, president of the University of California Medicine Department in San Francisco, told the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). "The second booster raises your immunity to the point where you were after the first booster ... where it gets complicated, it is the duration of the protection."

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For the moment, the CDC has stopped unless you say that all adults aged 50 and overshould Get a second booster. Instead, it's "youWhether it be A second booster at the moment, based on the advantages and risks that the vaccine can provide you, "said the agency.

According to the CDC, there are two situations in which someone who is already eligible for a second booster can in fact consider not obtaining the additional dose. One of them is if you have been infected with COVID in the past three months.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"There is aReal immunological argument To be done to let this immune response mature and develop memory cells, "Melanie Swift, MD, doctor and co-president of the working and distribution working group of COVVI-19 vaccines at Mayo Clinic, saidAmerican scientist. "Two to three months after the infection would be a good time window to get this booster."

The other reason you may want to hang on to obtaining a second booster is that if you think that getting this additional dose now would make you less likely to get another booster in the future. "A second booster can be more important in the fall of 2022, or if a new vaccine for a future COVVI-19 variant becomes available," explains the CDC.

Overall, this agency and other health experts recommend speaking to your doctor at the fourth move. "Your health care provider can help you review your options," said the agency.

As the CDC notes, "some factors may make someone who become very sick of Covid-19" notes, in which case you will probably not want to delay obtaining another booster. These The factors include Underlying conditions, risk of exposure, community spread and living with someone who is not vaccinated.

Read this then: Dr. Fauci has just given this new warning to all Americans, even Boosted .

Categories: Health
By: maria-m
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