Eat one apple per day, and see what is happening to your body

Why is apples one of the most beneficial fruits?

There is a popular popular saying that "eating an apple in the day eliminates you from visiting the doctor." Although this saying is not scientifically accurate, eating apples is still a healthy matter and millions of people seek to it; Global studies say that with more than 7,000 food items available around the Earth's parts, apples are the most consumed fruit around the world. The matter opens to talk about the effect of eating apples on the health of our bodies, so what will happen exactly if we eat an apple every day?

It will happenYour body is on many nutrients

Apples are fruits rich in nutrients; One apple contains 8.4 milligrams of vitamin C, which means that it provides 9% of the body's need for this vitamin, and one apple also contains 4 micrograms of vitamin K, which improves bone health and maintains blood pressure, and 4.4 grams of fibers that It protects the body from bowel cancer and regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

Get perfect weight

Apples contain relatively low calories, as the average apple contains only 104 calories, and at the same time the apples are rich in fiber and water and therefore eating it makes us feel full for a long time that may reach 4 hours, which contributes over time to losing extra weight, and in This context indicates that some scientific research indicates that eating apples may significantly reduce the BMI (BMI).

PreservationOn the health of your heart

In addition to containing a large amount of important nutrients for the body, apples also contain antioxidants such as flavonoids that reduce harmful cholesterol oxidation, and reduce atherosclerosis, and therefore eating a daily apple will protect your heart and blood vessels.

Reducing the risk of developing diabetes

Since diabetes is a blood sugar disorder, you may think that there is no fruit role in preventing this disease, but the fact is that the matter is different with apples because it contains a high percentage of fiber and antioxidants, and therefore eating a daily apple can have an effect Positive to control blood sugar, as a 2013 study found that increasing apple consumption from a handful of other fruits was linked to a low risk of type 2 diabetes.

Immunity enhancement

Apples enhance the body's immunity and at the same time help it get rid of free radicals; Because it contains antioxidants and flavonoids such as carsitin, epicatechin, and procynidin B2, as well as containing jettric acid and beta -carotene.

WorksApples to regenerate cellsskin

Apples can help promote the protection and preservation of the skin because it contains copper that promotes the production of melanin that naturally protects the skin from sunlight and reduces ultraviolet damage. Because it is rich in vitamin C, it also helps to enhance collagen production that maintains skin cells, and because of vitamin A, apples replace damaged face cells with healthy ones and promote the growth of skin cells.

Reduces the risk of your body with cancer

Antioxidants in apples may provide beneficial effects against certain types of cancer, including lung, breast and digestive system. In addition, one of the studies conducted on women reported that eating large amounts of apples was associated with a lower risk of death.

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