5 signs that you love your partner more than her to you

How many times have you asked yourself if your partner loves you as much as you to her? Today we talk about signs to have the definitive answer

One of the most true truths is that each couple is a world, there is no doubt. But sometimes there are certain behavioral guidelines that can give us certain clues about the course of our relationship.

How many times have you asked yourself if you are at the same point? Obviously, the ideal is to talk things with all as possible, but not everyone has that capacity or intention. So, how can I know if I want it more than her?

It's always you who proposes to stay

This is a clear indicator of the interest of a part and the other. When a person wants another, he wishes to pass with it all the time possible, within her possibilities. If you are you who always has to organize things or do for seeing, Attention! It is quite likely that you are not at the same point.

As in almost everything in life, virtue is in the middle.

He is not interested in your things

For obvious that it may seem, it is essential for a couple to be interested in things that are important for the other. Questions as simple as "How about the day?", "How are you?" or "Have you rested?" They can totally mark the difference regarding the level of involvement of the couple or the feelings of one on the other.

Do not trust you

Trust is the pillar of any couple who is precipated. Without it, there can not be a healthy and mutual relationship. But if one of the parties does not demonstrate to have confidence in the other (and not only in terms of jealousy), is that something is not working as it should.

Having confidence is being able to talk about anything with absolute clarity and transparency, as can be itself without having to strive to give an image of you that does not correspond with how you really are. If you perceive forced or uncomfortable attitudes, be careful!

Do not support your hobbies and hobbies

The typical fight because you want to see football or want to go to a concert of a group that does not like it is indicative that something does not work well in the couple.

Enjoying free time separately is something essential for the health of the relationship as a couple, as well as respect the different tastes and hobbies of both. Trying to take some time to enjoy your leisure together should be something priority, although sometimes small sacrifices have to be made. If you criticize your hobbies or do not want to be part of them without justic

It is not by your side in bad times

Although it sounds like a very good phrase, we must value who is by our side to the good, but, especially in the bad. "Friends" with whom to take something, get out of party or have a good time you will always have, but with whom to tell the bad is something essential. It is applicable to all aspects of life, but on matters of partner, it becomes special importance.

Any good couple who is precipated should be hard and mature. If you go through a bad streak and who is supposed to support you unconditionally, it does not, make all the alarms of your interior jump and reflect on your relationship, because it does not seem to be as healthy as you believe.

Categories: Relations
Tags: psychology
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