Dr. Faisci has just warned that it's when "we'll see an overvoltage"

Experts anticipate an increase in new COVID cases during this season.

In the light of trendsCOVID numbersDisease control and protection centers (CDC) have recently relaxed some restrictions, including domestic masking - a lot to relief from many Americans. Now, managers are standing to see if this change has an effect on infection rates, but we have the impression that we have been here before. There have been a number of instances when it seemed that the pandemic could finally be in the sense of the situation so that things take a turn for the worst. Even with vaccines, boosters and a better understanding of how the virus works,EVOLUTION OF VALIANTS OF COVID are unpredictable and overvoltages frequently follow their arrival. With that in mind, virus experts are preparing for their next evacuation in front of a possible overvoltage. Read more when we can expect to see a major increase in cases.

RELATED:Dr. Faisci warns people vaccinated, he is "absolutely critical" to do it now.

Virus experts believe that a serious covidation surge could occur in the fall.

Girl with protective mask on face against COVID-19
Zigres / Shutterstock

Spring is in progress and summer is certainly on the horizon, but the viral experts are suspicious of cold weather - which is commonly called "the cold season and the flu" - and how Covid will come into play.

In a conversation of April 6 for BloombergBALANCE OF POWERS Podcast, Top House Blanc Advisor CovidAnthony Fauci, MD, spoke with the hostDavid Westin on theFuture of the pandemic. Depending on Fauci, cooling temperatures are falling could lead to a thrust in COVID cases.

With cold and influenza infections, experts can look at history to make informed decisions and predict what to expect in future seasons. But with COVID, which has been part of our lives for more than two years, civil servants always browse "unexplored waters", "said Fauci on the podcast.

It is concerned about the "immunity of substance" vaccines and preliminary infections.

A young man sitting on the couch checking a thermometer who is sick, maybe with COVID symptoms

During his appearance onBALANCE OF POWERSFauci addressed a question from Westin-which was vaccinated, increased and infected by the Omicron variant - about a fourth booster, which stated that West is not necessary in the case of Westin. "At the moment, I think with three shots and infection, it's very unlikely that you need a reminder for the immediate future," said Fuci. "I would not miss and I would like to get your fourth dose at the moment, having been infected."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

What vaccinated people must achieve, however, is that CovidWANES OF IMMUNITY In a few months, Fauci said. Unlike measles immunity, which lasts a life, existing Covid vaccines and boosters offer temporary immunity, which is part of why experts are concerned about a potential increase in this fall.

"This is the wild card in this case, is to be able to predict exactly what level of immunity over time will prevent us from getting a great push or overvoltage associated with hospitalizations," said Fauci.

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A recent FDA meeting discussed potentially updating existing vaccines.

Close-up of a doctor vaccinating young man at home for covid-19 immunization. Female doctor hand holding syringe for preparing Covid-19 vaccine.

On April 6, April 6, the United States Food and Organic Product Advisory Committee and related organic products, also known as VRPAC, held a meeting to determine whether existing COVID vaccines Must be updated to ensure efficiency. The timetable and strategy for effective reminder shots are another topic of discussion.

According to Stat, who blogged from the one-day meeting, the Panel has not established a clear plan forApprove additional Covid vaccines Tackling new variants, it was not decided if and when people will need an extra dose. The Panel echoed the concern of Fauci about a surge later in the year, as well as rates of transmission, future potential strains and immunity that lengthened to the virus.

But the FDA did not reach a conclusion on new vaccines or boosters before autumn push.

COVID-19 vaccine and other paraphernalia for Phase III trials
JHDT Productions / Shutterstock

Pfizer / Biontech and Moderna lead studies onVaccines to target the Omicron variantBut the managers will have to review the data before they are approved for use, a briefing document for the April 6 FDA meeting. Instead of further adding more and more reproduction points, new therapeutics are needed to reduce more serious cases - those that cause hospitalization or death.

During the meeting,OFER LEVY, MD, PhD, Director of the Boston Children's Hospital Hospital, said that, while mRNA vaccines were "a divine", new and improved vaccines may be needed. "I do not think a lot of people received this message," said Levy, as indicated by STAT.

Current conversations and a lack of conclusion requires another meeting, according to Peter's brands , MD, PhD, Director of the Evaluation and Research Center on the FDA. "This discussion today is a much broader discussion," said MARKS, VIA STAT. "This is a discussion about what we do for the whole population and what do we do when we think the virus may have evolved?"

RELATED: Dr. Faisci has just warned all the Americans "must be prepared" for that .

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