The "controversial" ben stiller learned that he had cancer

Doing this thing savour his life, he says.

FromZoolander forThere is something about Marie,Ben Stiller Build his career to make public-but in 2014, the star crossed a fear of health that was not a matter of laughter. At the age of 48, the award-winning actor Emmy learned that he had an aggressive form ofProstate cancer, despite no known risk factor for the disease. After having suffered a treatment and be declared free from cancer, he now spreads the word on the simple test that saved his life. Read it to know how to stumble he learned that he had cancer and why he says that many men are missing from this life-saving opportunity.

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Stiller discovered that he had prostate cancer after taking a PSA test.

Ben Stiller
Bruce Glikas / WireImage via Getty Images

When Stiller was 46 years old, he went to see his doctor,Bernard Kruger, MD, for regular check. Kruger told him about her risk of prostate cancer based on age and recommended a blood test to obtain basic reading of the actor's prostate antigen levels (PSA). When the results returned, its numbers were high, but not necessarily disturbing. Kruger opted for a "waiting and see" approach, retrying it every six months over the next two years.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

During this time, the stiller PSA numbers increased steadily - a subtle change indicating a problem that would have been undetectable without this initial filtering. Finally reached levels that his doctor has found alarming, the actor has undergone additional tests, including a digital prostate review, an MRI and possibly a biopsy. These tests finally confirmed aDiagnosis of prostate cancer. "If I did not havegot the test... right now, I have not always known, "he said on the radio.Howard Stern during an interview with 2016.

RELATED:The cancer survivor twice Kathy Bates warns others never do that.

He says that the PSA test is "controversial".

Ben Stiller
Gary Gershoff / Getty Images

theZoolander The actor credits his doctor and the PSA test to save his life, but notes that the test itself is strongly debated among health professionals. "It's a very controversial topic, the PSA test," said Stiller Stern. "A PSA test is the only early crime forProstate cancer, and now the working group on the preventive services of the United States does not recommend passing the test. I think the American Cancer Society says you should discuss it at 50. "

Hedeveloped on the controversy In a try he wrote forAverage In 2016. "The test criticism is that, depending on how they interpret data, doctors can send patients to other tests such as MRI and more invasive biopsy, where necessary. Doctors can find low risk cancers that are not life. Threat, especially for elderly patients, "he explained. "In some cases, men with this type of cancer get" oversized "like radiation or surgery, resulting in side effects such as impotence or incontinence. Obviously it's not good; however, everything This is in the skill of the doctor treating the patient. "

The actor looked at his former co-star, Robert Deniro, for the support.

Ben Stiller Robert DeNiro
Mike Coppola / Getty Images

Stiller is particularly grateful for theEarly cancer detection Since he did not have a family history of the disease and no reason to believe that he was at high risk. This fact also made its diagnosis that much more shocking, said the star. "He came out of the blue for me ... I had no idea," he told Stern. "I did not know what was going to happen, so I was afraid," he admitted.

After learning from his condition, Stiller spent time seeking other artists who had survived his diagnosis. He quickly learned that one of his old co-stars had fought the same form of cancer and won. "The first thing I did when I was diagnosed, there was on the internet to try to learn," he said. "I saw[Robert de Niro had it. I called him right away. "Over the years, the pair had co-played in three comedies together:Meet parents (2000),My father-in-law, my parents and me (2004), andLittle Fockers (2010).

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He was declared without cancer three months later.

Ben Stiller Showtime
Rachel Luna / Getty Images

Partly due to its early diagnosis, stiller has received rapid treatment and has made a quick lightening recovery. "I've hadDiagnosed with prostate cancer Friday, June 13, 2014. On September 17 this year, I had a test tell me that I was without cancer. The three months between the three months were a roller of mad Russian mountains with which about 180,000 men per year in America can identify, "wrote the star. That" Roller Coaster "involved a meeting with several urologists for the second and third opinions on its treatment, and a successful laparoscopic surgery atprostate-A procedure that saved one's life.

Now completely recovered, stiller is categorical that other men should have the same access to the tests and the treatment he has done, thanks to the proactive approach of his doctor. "I think men over 40 should have the opportunity to discuss the test with their doctor and learn about it so that they can have the chance to be riddled. After that, an enlightened patient. can make choices responsible for how to proceed, "the actor has written forAverage.

"It's the second most deadly cancer, but it's also one of the most survivor cancers, if it is detected early," he added during his radio maintenance with Stern. Talk with your doctor to find out if a PSA test could be correct.

RELATED:Al Roker warns everyone to do it after diagnosing cancer.

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