If you feel it in your legs, call 911 immediately

Knowing these symptoms could literally save your life.

When you worry about yourcardiac healthChances are your risk of having a heart attack or a cerebral accident first. But another form of cardiovascular disease can be as murderer, and as it is not discussed as often, its symptoms can go unrecognized and untreated when developing. Early indications of thisThird most common The type of heart disease may seem subtle at first, but without timely intervention, the threatening complications of life can ensue. A symptom that can manifest itself in your legs is particularly concerned and catch it soon could mean the difference between life and death. Read it to know how to recognize the first signs of a problem and to seek immediate medical help.

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If your legs are swollen, red, painful or hot to the touch, it could be a sign of deep vein thrombosis.

Doctor check a patient's swollen legs and veins

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a potentially fatal, but completely preventable condition, which occurs when a blood clot is formed in the depths of the vein, most often in the basin, thigh or leg. While about half of DVT patients do not undergo any warning sign, others may notice swelling, pain, sensitivity and redness in the affected area, depending on the disease control and prevention centers (CDC). Some patients can also feel a feeling of heat near the blood clot, which means a legMay feel warmer to the touch that the other. DVT can also occur in their arms, but this happens less frequently.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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A potentially fatal complication can occur.

Lung x-ray

If you notice DVT signs in your legs, it's important to talk immediately with your doctor immediately. "The most serious complication of DVT arrives when a part of the clot is distinguished and moves in the blood of the lungs, which causes a blocking called pulmonary embolism (PE)", explains the CDC. "If the clot is small and with appropriate treatment, people can recover from PE. However, there may be damage to the lungs. If the clot is tall, it can prevent the blood from reaching the lungs and is fatal . "

It is important to knowseveral symptoms PE. If you notice one of these people - and especially if they are associated with swelling, pain or redness in the legs - you should call 911 immediately. "The first signs are usually a breathing shortness and chest pain that aggravate if you exercise yourself. You can spit bloody sputum," says Cleveland Clinic. In addition, a rapid pulse, excessive perspiration, light pipe, peak skin and unexplained pain in the chest, arm, shoulder, neck and jaw are possible signs of PE.

The Cleveland Clinic's website urged people to seek immediate medical care if they present one of the above symptoms. "The pulmonary embolism is serious but very treatable. Fast treatment considerably reduces the chances of death," add them.

Some people have an increased risk for these conditions.

Man in the hospital with a cast because of a broken leg

Everyone can develop a DVT or PE, but have some risk factors can increase your probability of experimenting with conditions. In particular, individuals with heart disease, lung disease, cancer, inflammatory intestinal disease or those with a family history of DVT or PE are all at increased risk. Your risk also increases with the age and body mass index (BMI). Women are more likely to develop DVT or PE during pregnancy, over the three months after pregnancy, and while taking birth control pills, says the CDC.

Otherwise, healthy people who experienced a vein injury are also at increased risk of DVT and PE. A blood clot can form as a result of the injury itself orReducing blood flow during recovery.

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Here's how your doctor can help you.

A doctor listening to the heartbeat of a senior man by using a stethoscope

We often think that blood clots also suddenly, inevitable and catastrophic, but experts say that your doctor can intervene in many ways if theySuspect DVT or PE. According to the Mayo Clinic, your doctor will make a treatment plan with three goals in mind: keep the clot way, prevent him from getting off and going to the lungs, and to reduce your chances of suffering from Another episode of DVT.

The most common intervention is to administer anticoagulants, also known asanti coagulants. Although this medicine is unable to break a current blood clot, it can prevent it from aggravating and lowering your risk of future clots, explains Mayo clinic.

Depending on the severity of your condition, your doctor may also consider giving you one of the thrombolytic drugs, also called "Cloter Busters", can help you break a current clot. In cases where these methods are ineffective, doctors sometimes insert a filter in the vein of Vena Cava to prevent a blood clot to reach the lungs.

Talk with your doctor to discuss your risk of DVT and PE-and if you notice signs of DVT in your legs, make sure to ask for immediate care.

RELATED: If you take this medicine, you are more likely to get a blood clot .

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