That's why you've never heard from Chuck Norris Plus

Discover why the star of action took a step back to make movies.

Was it the action films of the 1980s? Long-term television broadcast in the 1990s? Viral jokes in the '00? It does not matter how you know it better, you knowChuck Norris. The star of action and the artist Martial had a long actor career, going until the end of the 60s, but you probably did not hear much about him recently. Norris has stopped taking major roles in movies and television broadcasts years ago, but that does not mean it has not worked yet.

At age 82, Norris did not retire officially from the actor - and he made appearances of fifty and television in recent years, but he was intentionally declining because of a family issue. Read more about the career of the state of Norris.

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Norris is famous for his action movies and Hit Show.

Chuck Norris at the premiere of
PhotoFlash / Shutterstock Agency

Norris became the fame of the 1970s for action films that showed his expertise in martial arts. It is known for theDelta Force movies, theMissing in action movies, and appearing next toBruce Lee inThe path of the dragon. From 1993 to 2001, he played on the police procedureWalker, Texas Ranger. Then, in the '00, Norris has acquired massive popularity on the internet when the"Chuck Norris Facts" Even started to circulate.

He withdrew because of his wife.

Chuck and Gena Norris at the Gut Aiderbichl Christmas Market in 2019
Hannes Magerstaedt / Getty Images

In 2017, Norris and his wife,GENA NORRIS, continued several pharmaceutical companies after claiming itsuffered physical and cognitive problems And almost dead after being injected with a contrast dye used in three routine MRI scans.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"My entire life is centered on keeping as well as possible," Norris said at CBS News during a joint interview with his wife. "You know, I had to give up my film career." During the interview, they shared that they had spent nearly $ 2 million of treatments to tackle its health problems. According to radiology cases,They dropped at least one trial in 2020.

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He has always taken a role here and there.

Chuck Norris at the Movieguide Family Awards 2009
Carrie-Nelson / Shutterstock

Norris ceased to act regularly in 2005 after the television movieWalker, Texas Ranger: fire test and the movieThe cutter. He went back to the big screen in 2012 with a part ofThe Expendables 2. In 2015, he had a vocal role that is played onGoldbergs. And in 2020, he played a guest role onHawaii five-0.

He is also involved in other companies.

Chuck Norris at German Comic Con Dortmund in 2018
Markus Wissmann / Shutterstock

There is more to Norris's career than playing. For example, it is involved inPromotion of gym equipment For QVC andInvest. He founded the organizationKickstart Children, which teaches children of karate in Texas schools. Him and Gena tooFounded a bottled water company.

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