If you feel that in your hands or feet, check your kidneys

Ninety percent of renal disease cases are not diagnosed. Here's what you need to look for.

When you suffer fromChronic renal diseaseThe organs become damaged and are not able to filter the blood as they would normally do. The waste can then develop in your body and the protein can flee in your urine. This causes symptoms that manifest themselves in different parts of your body and doctor say you pay attention to your hands and feet to help you record a special sign of potential kidney problems. Read it to know what to watch for, and why this symptom could cause ravages about your health.

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If you notice swell your eyes, your hands and feet, check your kidneys.

Young man doing home eye exam in the bathroom

The minor threader comes to all and does not necessarily indicate a deeper health problem. However, Johns Hopkins experts warn that if your swelling is concentratedAround the eyes, hands and feetThis could be the result of the nephrotic syndrome, a condition resulting from renal disease.

The nephrotic syndrome occurs when tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, known as glomerulia, become healed or damaged due to renal disease. Since these vessels are responsible for filtering waste and the excess water of blood in the urine, these damages can cause too much protein to drain the body when urinating."Healthy kidneys allow less than one gram of protein to spill into the urine in one day. In the nephrotic syndrome, the glomerule has left three or more grams of proteins to be fleeing in the urine for a period of 24 hours, according to experts from Johns Hopkins. They say that your doctor can be able to help you determine if your kidneys filter proteins properly.

"The protein in the urine is an early sign that theThe kidneys filters were damaged, allowing proteins to flee in the urine, "explains the National Kidney Foundation (NKF)." ThisPockets around your eyes Maybe due to the fact that your kidneys flee a large amount of protein in the urine, rather than keep it in the body. "

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Renal disease can also cause swelling due to sodium retention.

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Although kidney disease can cause your body's protein, it can also keep it excess sodium, indicates the NKF. This can lead to swelling, especially in the hands, feet or ankles.

This can have potentially serious consequences for health over time, say experts. According to Medscape, "asRenal function decreases Further, sodium retention and extracellular volume expansion lead to peripheral edema and, no pulmonary edema and hypertension unusually pulmonary. "In other words, which started as swelling in the hands or feet can ultimately cause dangerous accumulation of liquid in the lungs, or high blood pressure.

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The swelling in the hands or feet can also indicate other conditions.

Doctor check a patient's swollen legs and veins

While swelling in your hands, feet or eyes certainly deserve a call to your doctor, swelling in the feet alone is not a definitive sign ofrenal disease. "The swelling of the lower limbs can also be a sign of heart disease, liver diseases and chronic leg vein problems," writes theNational Kidney Foundation (NKF). And swelling of the hands and feet are also associated with lymphatic system disorders, thyroid disorders, blood clots, pregnancy and more.

Experts add that peripheral edema can also be caused by behavioral or environmental factors. For example, some people undergo temporary swelling in the lower ends after standing or sitting too long. Allergies or dietary changes can also be the culprit of swelling. If this is the case, the condition can solve alone.

Watch these other symptoms of kidney disease.

Doctor giving kidney ultrasound

If kidney disease is the reason for your swelling, you may encounter additional symptoms. However,Joseph Vassalotti, Chief Medical Officer of the NKF, said you are less likely to feel symptoms until the end of the late stages of the disease when the kidneys already fail or when there are large amounts of protein in the urine. "This is one of the reasons why only 10% of people with chronic kidney disease know that they have it," he explains on the NKF site.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Possible symptoms of kidney disease include fatigue, difficulty concentration, dry skin or soft, frequent micromate, urine that produces blood or foam, poor appetite or muscle cramps, indicates the NKF. . However, the National Institute of Diabetics and Digestive and Reneal Diseases (NIDDK) exhorts: "TThe sting can be the only way to know if you have kidney disease . Make your consistency if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or family history of renal failure, "which put you at higher risk of renal disease.

Talk with your doctor if you notice symptoms of kidney disease, especially if they occur together with swelling in the eyes, hands or feet. " Earlier you know you have kidney disease, sooner you can get treatment, "advises the Niddk.

RELATED: If you notice this on your skin, check your kidneys, experts warn .

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