10 natural ways to manage aging issues.

One of the problems bothering many people. When we get older, the more Wrinkles on the face, increased more visitors every year.

One of the problems bothering many people. When we get older, the more Wrinkles on the face, increased more visitors every year. Although it is a natural process Of course, not everyone who wanted to leave skin naturally. And in dealing with the aging. But there was no way we would always go to the clinic. In today's article We have the natural way That allows you to do that easily enough.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera Packed with natural moisture. โดยที่คุณสามารถนำเจลจากว่านหางจระเข้มาทาบนผิวหน้าทิ้งไว้ประมาณ 20 นาที แล้วล้างออก ริ้วรอยก็สามารถจางหายไปได้ภายใน 90 วัน

Masks of bananas

The banana is a fruit that is easy to find. And it's very easy to cook Many times we may not be consumed. You can be crushed ripe banana. And the mask and leave it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse. You can feel the soft skin immediately.

Shell eggs

Research has found that White skin on the inside of shell eggs. Helps to stimulate collagen under the skin as well. The skin care products are commercially available. There are some recipes that you mix this into the driveway with.


To massage gently on the skin. It stimulates the blood circulation. And fluid under the skin as well. After you apply moisturizer page. Do not forget to massage the skin gently. To help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

olive oil

Consumption of olive oil Helping to stimulate the production of collagen under the skin. Ever trial To determine the amount of collagen in the skin samples showed that those who consumed olive oil. The rate of aging than those who did not consume olive oil significantly.

vitamin C

Vitamin C The name is very The antioxidant properties. The trailer with the help reinforce collagen under the skin. Besides that you will face in vitamin C already. It should also be consuming a diet rich in vitamin C along with it.


Excretion good It helps to balance the body, as well as yogurt, which is rich in microbes in the body. It also contains vitamin And minerals needed by the body. So if you have digestive problems. Just remember to consume low-fat yogurt before going to bed.

ZincAnd selenium

Zinc and zinc minerals or mineral selenium that. Rich in anti-UV light. The major causes of wrinkles. In addition, we will find these minerals in sunscreen. We can still find these minerals in various foods, including bananas, oysters, oatmeal and so on.

coconut oil

Coconut oil has properties that are good for the skin as well. It can cause skin quickly, making the right amount of fat on the skin. It also stimulates the collagen under the skin as well.

The pillowcase is made of silk

While we sleep We can not control the movement of facial muscles at all. The wrinkles occur as we sleep current with innovations in the production of silk pillowcases. A contact surface that is smooth and silky. Do not hurt your skin while you sleep. It is another way that reduces wrinkles on the face.

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